15 - It's Truly a Small World

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The world seemed almost eerily quiet now that it had settled, the rumbling and collapse of the building over and the civilians safe thanks to the two heroes. Now that everything settled, everything seemed to come together.

The pieces finally connected.



"What the fuck?!" The two yelled in unison as they stared at each other in shock.


The two young heroes had yet to overcome their shock. Seconds passed and soon they turned into minutes and it felt like those minutes were going to melt into an hour or more with how speechless the two were. "Hold on," Dick, ever the first to recover, shook his head as he looked at his boyfriend. "You're Kid Flash? You're my partner?" Wally nodded meekly, seeming unable to form any words for the first time in the years that Dick had known him.

It seemed that they had been partners in more ways than one and the longer that Dick thought about it the more he realised that it should have been obvious to them so long ago. How could they not have known? How could they be so blind?

"Shit." Dick hissed out the curse, running a hand through his hair with a frustrated huff. He couldn't believe that they hadn't noticed it sooner. It made so much damn sense. He couldn't believe that he had been so stupid. He was supposed to be a detective. Batman was his mentor, his teacher, his father! How could he not have realised that his boyfriend and best friend, was Kid Flash?

Wally could see the gears in Dick's head turning way too fast, spiraling him into an oblivious of anger and self loathing. "Dick, I know it's-" He stopped when the younger boy raised a hand to silence him. He quickly shut his mouth, obediently giving him a moment to process things. He understood how Dick felt. It really should have been obvious to them a while ago but they couldn't help it. After all, they were focused on the fact that for once they were happy and things were going right. It was easy to overlook the details.

"I think...." Dick took a deep breath and shook his head. He wasn't angry, at least not at Wally anyway. "I think we should go home." He finally said with a soft and defeated sigh. The words made Wally's heart clench, his bright eyes going the slightest bit wide in fear.

When Dick saw the look in his eyes he quickly shook his head, cupping his cheek in his hand. "No no no, Wally don't look like that. It's not that. I'm not breaking up with you or something stupid like that. I just think we should take tonight to process and think over everything. A lot happened today." Wally visibly relaxed at his words, nodding a little and smiling a small nervous smile.

"Okay..." he whispered. "Okay, you're right. Just like always." He said with a small grin, earning a soft laugh from the shorter boy. "Of course I'm always right. I'm Robin." He hummed with a wink, dropping his hand to take Wally's into his own. "Now come on. I'm sure our families are worried about us. Or they will be once they hear about this mess." Wally gave another quiet nod in response, letting Dick lead him back to the Wayne palace.

The walk home was uncharacteristically quiet, both boys too lost in thought to really talk. The silence wasn't heavy but it definitely wasn't light hearted and the most comfortable. After all, they'd both had quite the big reveal today and it wasn't something they could easily swallow.

It wasn't problematic that they were heroes, obviously if anyone could understand a hero and their line of work it would be a fellow hero, but it didn't make it any easier for them to process just how close they'd been this whole time. It really dawned on them in that moment just how small their world really was.

Before they knew it they were back at the palace, standing before the gates that seemed much bigger than they usually did to Wally. "Holy shit." Wally whispered, eyes wide as if the meaning of life had suddenly become clear to him. "If you're Robin then that means Bruce is Batman!" He hissed out, trying his best not to scream his discovery to the rest of the world.

Dick, successfully startled out of his train of thought, let out a quiet snort of laughter. "Yeah. Yeah he's Batman." Dick could already see the pile of questions quickly forming in Wally's mind and he couldn't help but smile. "Why don't you come over for lunch Saturday. I'll talk to Bruce and maybe I can convince him to show you around the Bat Cave." He wasn't completely sure he would be able to convince his father but it was worth the shot if he could see Wally's eyes light up in such excitement more often.

"Yes!" The ginger cheered, pumping a fist into the air. "Oh man that would be so cool!" Dick shook his head with a laugh, humming in amusement. "Alright, well, you get home. I'll see you soon, alright?" He said and gave Wally's hand a light squeeze. "This isn't the end for us. This is just the beginning." He promised, pressing a soft kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "It just means no more secrets." Wally agreed with a grin and a wink. "See ya soon, Boy Wonder." And in a flash Wally was gone, leaving behind a surprised Dick. "Speedsters..." He murmured with a soft laugh, walking past the now open gates and up the long walkway.


Oh gee. It sure has been quite a while since I last updated. I had no idea how to continue from the last chapter so this is mainly a filler for me to continue with the plot line. The net chapter will be some happy fluff and it'll get things really moving to the net big plot line! We still got a long ways to go and I have many more ideas that I want to get in here so it's not the end quite yet!


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