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Normally, Chell wouldn't let Wheatley outside, even though she knew he could go on his own (for five minutes.) But as of now, December eighth, their relationship had grown a large extent. Even after (almost) three years, Wheatley had broken many rules. Now, ever since early November, he'd been acting much better. Even now, he was sleeping, well, laying on the couch staring at the ceiling; he was thinking...not only that, but he was thinking with Chell (he did tend to do that quite a lot, didn't he?)

The cold air anonymously swept through the window-even though it was closed-and sent a chill through Wheatley, causing him to lift his covers more and more until Chell finally woke. She thumped from her bedroom and say down at the kitchen table, eating her toast. Wheatley didn't have to eat; he was an android, but he was a replica of a human. The body was designed himself years ago, for backup purposes. Wheatley sat up, causing his glasses to nearly fall right off his face.

"G'morning luv," he greeted, gingerly. Chell, to no surprise, didn't reply (or even acknowledge the fact that he had called her 'luv' again.) She was very, unusually quiet. She had been that way her whole life and Wheatley was more than used to it.

After swallowing a chunk of the toast, Chell threw a small compliment-although it was large to Wheatley-over her shoulder.

"You know, you've been getting better at this."

"As a matter of fact," Wheatley began. "I did. W-wait no. No that's a lie, I didn't even notice."

Chell had expected a response like that, and for some unknown reason, it pleased her hearing his ramblings. Finishing her toast, she crossed the invisible border between the kitchen and the living room and took his hand in hers-making him blush lightly-motioning him to come with her.

"Lady, you are the most non-verbal person I will ever meet," he said in a playful tone. "Although it is kind of fun, sometimes. Unless it's in a serious situation-no, then it's-it's not fun at all."

A small smirk grew on Chell's face. "And you're the most verbal person I'll ever meet," she said, leading him to the front door.

"Eh, fair enough..."

She grabbed the doorknob and walked out onto the porch, Wheatley anxiously following behind her. Not one square inch of her small yard was green; it was instead sheeted with at least 2 inches of pure white, glistening snow.

"Why're we out here anyway?" Wheatley questioned with his arms crossed in a poor attempt to fight the winter. "I thought you said-- oh my! Wh-what is that?! Is it dangerous?! It's dangerous isn't it?! I knew I couldn't trust you for--"

He was quickly interrupted by a cold finger hushing his lips (followed by an irritated look that Chell was giving him.) She walked down the stairs and into the snow while Wheatley stood on the porch rubbing his glasses. She stood below the porch, motioning for Wheatley to follow. He looked at Chell, a bit concerned.

"But-but they told me...that-that if I ever touched--" He was cut off once again when Chell gave him one of her 'Really?' faces. "Alright you win, I'll go down."

Wheatley slowly stepped down the stairs, inching his way to the bottom, letting his shoes sink into the snow when he reached it. He reluctantly walked over to her, only to find himself swooping down to pick up the mysterious white substance. His first realization was that it was cold. Very cold. He let all of it drop from his hand and back where it was.

"So...this is...what is this? Precipitation? Ooh, frozen rain maybe?" He guessed.


"Ah, thought so. And what's it called?"

"Snow. It's called snow. I thought you might want to see something like this so you don't think I'm keeping you locked away like Rapunzel."

"Uhm, who's that?" He questioned (to no response.)

Wheatley would look at the floor pretty frequently, observing the 'snow' as much as he felt was necessary. Which, through his eyes, was quite a lot. Chell gave him a smile and turned to walk back to the porch when a mischievous idea struck Wheatley.

Chell was about halfway to the porch when she felt something plummet right into her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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