Oneshot Two: Maggie/Beth (Sibling) x Reader

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You were sitting in a room with your sister Beth. She hadn't said anything for days, nor had you. You were twelve years of age. And you were wasting away.
You were worried about Beth, you watched as she didn't eat, occasionally you'd accept the food and scarf it down. Maggie, your other sister checked in on you both daily. Beth had been your best friend, she always played with you outside, she taught you to play the piano, and sang with you. Sometimes when you had a nightmare, she'd climb under the cover that held your soaked in tears, and sing you to sleep.
She was a very good sister, and seeing her like that, hurt. She had a razor hidden under the covers out of sight. You sat on the end of the bed, and started talking to her. You knew she could hear you, but she wouldn't answer.
"I still have nightmares about her." You say, playing with the quilt. "Maggie doesn't sing me to sleep like you did. I've been having the nightmare for days, the same one. Sometimes, you're in it. Mom doesn't have her voice anymore, it's rough, and like them. She's not the same. I want to hold her, and hug her so badly. But, it's impossible not being eaten."
You're quiet for a few more minutes, letting the tears fall upon your hand that's resting on the edge of the bed. The door opens and Maggie comes in.
"How are you guys doing?" She asks.
"We're living." You say, wiping a tear away.
"Cheer up Y/n. You're turning thirteen tomorrow." Maggie says, sitting beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"It's not the same."
"And it never will be. We'll spend tomorrow together, okay?" She asks, looking at you, and hugging you tightly. You look up at her and nod.
"Why don't you come out of this room?" She asks. "Meet the guests."
"I'd love that." You say, she smiles and stands up, her back facing the bed, and arms out, "hop on, I'll take you down." She says, offering you a piggy back ride, you stand on the bed and hop on.
She walks down the hallway, and down the stairs, the house looks the same, but brighter, and as you go down, you let your fingertips scrape against the wall.
"Morning everyone." She says, walking into the kitchen where few are socializing.
"Morning Maggie. Is this Y/n?" A woman with brown hair asks.
"This is." She says.
"I never got a good look at you, since every time I came into the room to bring food you always hid. I'm Lori." She offers her hand, but you bury your face in Maggie's short hair.
"Sorry, she's shy." Maggie says, Lori smiles and nods in understanding.
"Can we go see the Asian you told me about?" You whisper in Maggie's ear. She smiles and nods.
"You'll love him." She says, and Lori opens the door as she walks out, still carrying you on her back.
"Glenn?" She calls out, and he automatically comes.
"This is Y/n, she wants to meet you." She loosens her grip as you slide down from her back.
"I'm Glenn." He says, offering his hand.
You don't shake hands, but you do stare into his eyes, and study his face.
"Maggie, I think you guys would be perfect together." You say, and then hug him. "You'd better take care of my sister." And then let go to go see your father.


In Alexandria, you're laying on your bed, sleeping. Having a pleasant dream. You haven't had a nightmare, since Beth died.
Except now, you revisit the death of your sister, watching Maggie's face as you all left, and as Glenn held onto Maggie tightly. You ran to your sister, who held you close, and Glenn did too. This was your family now.
You shake in the bed, frightened, and yell and scream as you relive your Father's, and your sister's death. You wake with a start, the window only allowing the light of the moon.
"Don't worry. It was only a nightmare." You look towards the door way.
"Beth?" You ask.
"Scoot over." She says.
She crawls under the blanket, and hugs you tightly. And then starts to sing.
Slowly your eyes start to close, as she sings to you the lovely lullaby you know so well.
"I'll always be here, I promise." She says, before you start to close your eyes again.
No answer.
"Beth?" You can still feel her arms around you, but no answer.
"Beth? Beth! Beth! Beth!" You shout, lifting your head, as she rests, her lifeless body next to your lively one.
"Beth! Beth! Beth! Beth! Wake up Beth! Wake up!"
The door opens and Beth's body isn't there, and in the doorway is Maggie, and Glenn.
"I had a nightmare." You say. Maggie nods.
"I get them too, scoot over." She says, and she crawls on one side, while Glenn crawls on the other.
"We'll get through this together." She says, and after a minute, sings you to sleep, her arms, and Glenn's arms wrapped around you.
This is your family.

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