1. Josie

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Her attention was on her younger half siblings, she sighed as they ran around rampid, she just wanted her parents to come home already so she could go out. They promised Josie that she could go outside today, her face became bright with hope and happiness, she's barely ever let out of the house. Her siblings get to go out, but she's locked in her room where people can't even hear her scream. Josephine's treatement was that of a slave, she wish things would return the way they used to be. However she highly doubts that possibility, it's just too unlikely. She's forced to clean the rooms, do the dishes, cook only enough dinner for her family, clean the house, run errands and come back in the requested time or she is to recieve a punishment worse than the last.

She heard the front door open, her parents walked inside of the house. Josephine stood up from her seat, her brown eyes gleaming with hope as her parents walked up to her. "Go ahead." Her father sighed rolling his eyes, "Stay where we can see you and don't run off or you gon' get a rude awakening!" He yelled as she ran outside. Josie rolled around in the grass outdoors and sighed, she hadn't been this happy since they let her finally have a television in her room.

The young teenager sighed and smiled up at the sky and let the warm beams touch her brown skin. Josie however couldn't shake this strange feeling, a feeling that someone was watching her movements. She slowly sat up and looked around, to her disappointment and relief, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

For a while Josie just laid peacefully in the grass, soaking up the sun, then she grew bored. So while she knew her parents would be busy putting her siblings to sleep, she explored around the house. She hadn't been outside in a couple of months, there's bound to be new plants growing or different creatures hiding in the backyard. She searched and searched for something new, but it seemed as though literally nothing had changed, this made a pout form onto her face. "It's so boring out here..." She mumbled under her breath and sat down.

She looked around once again feeling as though someone was watching her. She crawled around her backyard and her eyes went wide when she caught a glimpse of blue eyes watching her from the basement window of the large house near hers. The small girl let out a squeal of surprise before quickly covering her mouth. Josie ever so quietly walked over to the window, suddenly the blue eyes vanished and she couldn't see a thing.

She quietly knocked on the window, "Hey!" She whispered, "I know you're in there I saw you watching me!" She began to tap on the glass and the blue eyes appeared again, they belonged to a tall boy who she had to admit she found very attractive. He gave her a timid smile, which she matched with a much brighter one he slowly opened the window, "Uh hi." He said making her giggle, "I saw you staring at me." She smirked which caused him to mindlessly babble, "I-I'm sorry I uh just didn't see you in a while and um you're the only person I ever see outside near the house and um-"

She quickly cut him off, "Woah it's totally okay dude." She laughed making him blush, "I didn't mind it, how come I've never seen you around?" She tilted her head a bit in confusion. "Well I'm always in the basement, I never actually leave and you may not see me but I always see you."

She raised her eyebrow a bit, "That sounds very creepy and frightening." His eyes widened and he began to grow nervous, "Oh god it did um sorry I can't help it, you're like always very happy when you come outside and it makes me happy a little in a strange way. . ."

Josie smiled at him and reached out to shake his hand, "The name's Josie." She smiled and he gently shook her hand and mentally thought about how adorable their size difference was, "I'm Luke.." A yell of his name made him flinch, "I'm sorry but I have to go!" He whispered and quickly closed the window almost smashing her hand in the window, she stared as he went up the stairs of the basement before walking back to her own backyard. Scenarios already started to playback in her mind, she wanted to be friends with this boy, she had to be friends with this boy. Giving that her only reason was that she had no other friends, she knew they would have to be able to speak to one another to get to know each other.

"Josephine!" She heard her mother yell to which she quickly ran inside of the house. She ran up the stairs into her room and her father followed behind her with a key to lock the door with. Once she heard the click of the lock she walked to the window and searched around. If only they had some type of meeting spot, Josie scanned the area and smiled deviously when she found the perfect place. Now all she had to do was to get Luke to go with her.

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