An Author's Note

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Hello Wings of Fire fans, and welcome to my newest story!!! You may be wondering... CrasherAuthor?!?!?!?! Why the fudgenuggets, did you waste our precious time, with an author's note?!?!?! AN AUTHOR'S NOTE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well beloved readers, I would love to start my story, but I need you to answer some stuff for me, for this story needs characters, aside from the ones I have created. It is fine if your characters have been in other stories, whether they are your own, or someone else's, if you asked the other person for permission. I will be stricter than usual, and say I will only allow some three way hybrids. Two way hybrids are easier for me to handle. Also, this story is meant to be continuous, so I have no planned ending for now. Here are my questions for you. You may answer in the comments, or PM me. Either is acceptable.

1. Characters name, gender, age, history, personality, abilities, etc. The more information on the character, the better.

2. If you were in the apocalypse, how would you react?

3. If your family and friends were in danger of dieing or being hurt, how do you react?

4. If you had to disobey your queen or parents, how would you handle it?

5. I need ideas for as many animus touched objects as possible, so could you come up with a few ideas?

Any ideas you come up with, will be mentioned in the end of each chapter when they are introduced. If you don't want me to say that you came up with the idea, please PM me. I plan to make chapters 2000 words long, so it will take me longer to finish chapters. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. Please respond soon. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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