Information On The War

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The Flames of War and The Aggressors:  It is believed that that The Second Scorching began because of an unknown male Skywing.  He created an army of violent dragons, which he nicknamed, The Aggressors.  He was apparently able to discover a legendary animus touched object called The Flames of War.  This object was a dagger that although it appeared normal at first, it's blade actually glowed orange with heat.  This dagger had the ability to burn through anything, either by cutting through, or in most cases, by simply tapping the target, causing the being to explode into flames, drift into particles of ash, or crumble into a pile of scorched scales, all of which were described as being horribly painful deaths.  The blade could apparently change size, growing into a sword, or shrinking into a needle.  The blade would return to its original size if it was gone from anyone for up to an hour.  The items other ability was to turnover dragons into what he also nicknamed Aggressors, for the blade could control them.  The affected dragon grew two, to ten times it's original size, grew tougher, usually grey or black scales, and generated a large amount of heat, keeping almost all dragons away from them.  Between the scales, on the claws, horns, and teeth, in the mouth, and in between every scale, glowed an ominous fire.  From coolest to hottest, the colors went form dim brown, red, orange, yellow, and finally white.  As their name implied, the aggressors become more angered, and most of the monsters had no more memories of their past life.  This has caused the aggressors to attack any living things in their way.  Today, it is believed that five percent of the dragon population on Pyrrhia are aggressors, or can even turn back and forth.  There is no known way to cure insane aggressors.

Division of the Tribes:  After Pyrrhia fell into chaos, new problems arose.  Strangely enough, Queen Glacier, Queen Moorhen, Queen Ruby, and the unknown Nightwing Queen, become angry.  They each teamed up, and attacked Jade Mountain Academy, killing at least a dozen students.  This caused Queen Thorn, Queen Glory, Queen Coral, and Jade Mountain, to form their own alliance.  To this day, both sides still fight.  There are rumors that the Mudwings, Nightwings, Skywings, and Icewings, might be being controlled by the Unknown Skywing and his aggressors.

Search for the Animus:  Strangely enough, all animus dragons seem to be unable to use their abilities, making their magical powers useless.  It is believed that this is because of a recently discovered animus object now owned by Jade Mountain, which seems to be a form of a puzzle, which constantly changes pattern.  It is believed the box, which seems invincible to heat, cold, and pressure, must be opened, in order to stop its effects.  More research is needed.  At the same time, more and more animus objects are being discovered every day by the seven tribes.  It is hoped that as Jade Mountain Academy, the Sandwings, Seawings, and the Rainwings possess more animus objects, the danger will lessen of the other tribes having them.


There you go, more of a guide.  If you have more ideas for the war, please say.  BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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