Youtuber war

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Ever wonder why it's said it's a bad idea to mix you tubers? Well there's a rhyme and a reason for everything.

It happened a while ago it's wasn't the youtbers themselves oh no.

It was the alter egos of the boys that set them off.

Sky's p.o.v

I finished mining the last block of amazing butter in the cave I smiled then turned to my partner Ty.

"You finished with your side yet?" I asked him going over and kissing his head.

He giggled. "Yea boo let's get home before the pack destroys the base. I nodded and we went to out horses who ironically are a couple too.

I mounted bailey and turned him. Ty got on his horse Thor and we galloped to the base smiling. But I got a tingle up my spine. Huh whatever it's nothing I bet.

Cry's pov

I finished an episode of undertale and started editing. Heads up hot shit (a/n: I'm leaving it like that XD) Felix is calling ya. I looked seeing mad was right I picked up. "Hey babe what's up? Why are you calling so late?" I asked concerned for the swede.

He smiled "i was bored and wanted to call you I found my old minecraft account wanna get everyone to make one and do a huge collaboration?

I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach. Bro he's basically asking you out on a date go for it. I huffed at mad "sure why not?" Little did I know what that would change.........

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