"i look stupid'
"babe come out i bet you don't."
"you're gonna laugh!"
"never. come out"
"no thanks."
"ty i wanna see this side of you! if i don't i'll assume you hate me"
"i don't hate you!"
"then come out!"
Ty shook breathing irregularly. his lover was outside waiting for him. see Ty was a cross dresser. he was all about it. currently he was wearing a v-neck with a grey skirt the v-neck was a grey color with gold designs or butter as his lover would say. and he was wearing grey knee socks. Sky would have loved it..if Ty ever came out the bedroom bathroom they have. Ty had many bad things going through his head all of them impossible.
Ty sighed got up from the tub and walked over opening the door slowly seing his lover he yippped and closed the door. "n-no i can't!' Sky sighed. "i'm not doing this again! Ty come out or i'm opening this damn door!"
Ty scoffed. Sky was weak he couldn't open a locked door...or did he lock it? Ty wasn't that strong as well. and Sky did take a few weight lifting classes seemingly buffer then normal....
"I'm coming in Ty!"
Suddenly Ty jumped up as his lover shouldered his way trough the door. Ty didn't care about his outfit anymore. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I JUST FIXED THAT DOOR!" Ty was so pissed he didn't see Sky admiring him. "Wow you look good babe"
Ty blushes and fiddles his dress. "No I don't I threw this together." Sky smiles and kissed his lover.
"I love it."
Well that was something I couldn't think of any good smut ideas
You will get smut one day.
But you get this fluffyness
Edited: 12/8/15
Word count: 301 (so short!!!)