Chapter Three: Be Fast or Be Dead

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Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around the quite darkness, but for some reason I was warm. Hesitantly, I sat up and winced when I felt pain everywhere. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. It was dark, and there were lots of trees. I'd been lying by a fire so that explains why I felt warm. But it didn't explain how I got out of car crash and to here.

"Ah, I see your awake now." A soft voice came from behind me.

Quickly I turned around to face and faced a strong looking old man. He was dressed in hunting gear, and had guns on him, lots of guns. "Who are you and where's my brother." I tried to keep my voice firm. 

The old man picked something up from the fire, instantly sending a delicious scent wafting my way. My stomach grumbled in response, reminding me that I hadn't eaten for days. "My name's David, I own these camping grounds. We are safe here, as long as my electric fence holds up. As for your brother, he went to go practice his knife throwing with Jake." He poured some hot soup in a bowl then handed it to me.

"Who's Jake?" I asked. Without thinking, I accepted the bowl and took a sip, letting the hot liquid run down my throat and warm my body.

"A boy I saved from those monsters just as I'd saved you. You're lucky you got out of that crash with a few bumps and bruises; as for your brother, had no injuries at all." David out the soup back on the fire, "Tell me missy, where was your home?"

"Nebraska..."I whispered, sipping the soup.

"Really? How'd you end up Colorado then?" He relaxed in his chair, watching me.

I just shrugged, "I just kept driving and tried to find somewhere to hide us till this was all over."

"Oh child, this will never be over until we're all dead."

I rushed from Lilly's room and grabbed our fire poker, then I headed to the screen door. I could hear him groaning, sickening and hungry sounds, something a human wouldn't have been able to make. My grip on the poker tightened as I stepped out into the cool night air; the smell of rotting flesh hit me fast and hard and I struggled not to gag as I searched the yard for him.

A rustle came from the bushes and I quickly turned in time to see him coming. Moving as fast as I could, I darted out of his path and brought the poker down on his head. He groaned and fell, but then got right back up and turned to me.

My body froze when I saw his face. Mr. Mc'Farson the kind old man next door, my friend, was truly dead and one of the undead. There was no life in his eyes, just bottomless and clawing hunger. With a horrfying shock I also realized to him... I was food. I took a shaky breath, gathered my courage around me and stabbed the poker through his head and out a couple of times until he fell and stayed down. Blood and brain gore was everywhere, covering the ground and my body. It all looked and smelled ghastly.

Crying, I ran back into the house and vomited into the trash. With a start, I realized Mason had been standing in the kitchen watching the scene with emotionless eyes. He stared out at the yard then looked at me, "Mom and dad are on their way home."

I nodded silently and went up the stairs to wash off. The gore was everywhere, in my hair, on my skin, staining my clothes. Mr. Mc'Farson's brains, my friend's blood, it all made me feel so sick. I peeled off the wet sticky clothes and tossed them in the trash. Then I got into the shower and turned the water hot. I felt a little better as I washed up; it felt like everything would get better

Mom and Dad returned home after a few hours, Dad looking really sick. I debated telling them anything, but decided on just telling them about Mr. McFarson and his new death. But of course, Dad didn’t care and Mom just said that she and the ‘girls’ were proud of me. I should have known that they wouldn't care, they never really did. If I’d left the mess outside they would have cared though, that seems to be the only time that they do: when they have to clean up my messes.

  “Honey, I should let you know now, your grandmother is coming down to help us take care of your father,” Mom called to me as she helped my father upstairs to their bedroom.

A smile came to my face at the thought of my grandmother coming to stay with us. The woman was insane, but fun to be around. Being extremely paranoid, she drove an armored van, wore tinfoil on her head, and carried a stolen taser in her purse. Yes, stolen, she had swiped it from a police officer that she claimed was an alien in disguise, which should explain the tinfoil. As for the armored van, she claimed that she knew in her gut that someday the world would end in some horrible way and her van would keep her safe.

Mom truly hated how insane the woman was because once she had chased her though the house with a knife, trying to pop her boobs. After that, Mom has been trying to put Grandma into a mental hospital, but the last time they tried, she ended up biting someone and ramming her van into the hospital. They still haven’t caught all the people that escaped…

I asked Mom what time Grandma should be over, and she very bitterly told me early in the morning. Seeing as it was already midnight, I decided to stay up and wait for the crazy old bitch to arrive.

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