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One good thing about being together for such a long time now is that we finally managed to understand the time difference. I was so happy when I came home from Oz and I realized that I hadn't had one phone call waking me up in the middle of the night. Ashton refuses to call me in the middle of the night under any circumstances because he knows how much I need my sleep at the moment. I hadn't received one phone call between the hours of 11pm and 7am for about 5 months now.. that was until tonight.

When I woke up at 3:30am and realized the reason I was awake was because my phone was going off I knew something wasn't right. I reached under my pillow for my phone and didn't even bother reading the called id, my eyes were still glued shut and they stayed like that because I was still half asleep.

"Ash?" I asked in the softest voice, I was practically still asleep and anyone would be able to tell if they were on the other end.

"Y/N! I'm sorry to wake you." My eyes opened when I realized it wasn't Ashton. I pushed myself up to lean against my bed head and I lean over to turn on my bedside table lamp.

"Luke? What's going on?" I could tell he wasn't his cheery self and he would be the last person who would call me at this time, he was the first one of the boys who understood the time difference.

He took a deep breath and began to talk. "There's been an accident." My heart sunk. "Oh my god..." That was all I could manage to get out. I couldn't form anything else other then that. "Ashton?" I guess I was getting somewhere, but not far enough. What happened? What kind of accident? Was he going to be okay? All these questions and more were forming in my mind and I couldn't get anything out. This wasn't how I expected to be spending the beginning of school week.

"Luke, is he okay?" I started shaking, having only the worst possible scenarios come into my head.

He let out a sigh knowing that I wouldn't give up until he told me what was going on. "They had to put him in an induced coma..." He responded softly. I could tell it was breaking his heart telling me.

I didn't respond, I didn't know how to. I felt my jaw drop and my mouth become dry as tears began flowing down my face.

I didn't even give Luke a chance to explain what had happened before I told him. "I'm leaving now. I'll be there soon."

Usually Luke would object and tell me everything was going to be fine and I didn't need to worry, but when he didn't try and stop me and just simply said. "Okay." That was when I knew it was serious. "I'll make sure that there is someone there when you land."

I didn't know how long I was going to be gone for so I packed my essentials and threw in some clothes into my suitcase and headed down stairs, it was a miracle that I didn't wake my parents up while I was on the phone and when I was packing so before I actually did I quickly wrote a note explaining everything and stuck it to the fridge, then I ran out to my car and drove to the airport.

Before 5am I had checked in for the flight and was sitting in my assigned seat waiting for take off. My hands were shaking and my heart was going a million miles an hour. 'Please, please just wait till I get there Ash, please.' I repeated to myself over and over again before the plane began moving for take off and I slowly fell asleep. I don't even know how I managed to fall asleep with my body and mind in the state that it was in, I guess it was due to the fact that I had cried too much in the past hour that I was completely drained.

23 hours had passed and the plane landed at the Oz airport. I made my way out to the baggage collection and was relieved when I saw that my bag was one of the first to be released, I wanted to get to Ash as soon as I could. I collected my bag and then made my way to find whoever it was that was collecting me.

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