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Once upon a time in the lands of Gravity falls their lives the four great and powerful dippers. Dipper, Tyrone, Bipper, and Dippy Fresh. They lived peacfully leading their own land and own city. There was harmony between the governments until one day. On that faithful day Dippy Fresh decided to attack the dipper lands and immediately the groups split into good and evil. The evil team consisting of  Bipper and Dippy Fresh. While the good team consists of dipper and Tyrone. Each having the own tactical advantages. Dippers was his strategy because after many years of playing strategic games he has created the ultimate war strategies and Tyrone and his soldiers are gun monkeys and extremely fit and strong.  But Bipper has his black magic and so do all his followers and Dippy Fresh and his townsfolk have the power to pursuade practically anyone to do anything they want. The only one that could stop the Four Corners War is Mabel but no one has seen her since the mistake of Dippy Fresh attacking.  So when the world needed her most she vanished

Hello this is a idea that SkyliaStorm   had and wanted someone to make a story about and it interested me so here we are. This story actually takes place fifty years in the future in 2065. But in this universe Pacifica went back into time and stopped 9/11 but that caused bill Clinton to lose and he persuaded Syria and North Korea and other such countries to bomb the U.S. With atomic bombs. It worked and killed off most of Americas population. Later that same year of 2016 they blew up  all countries except Americas remaining population. They then spread out across the world and as this happens most people moved back to a monarchy type govement. The dippers and Mabel  we're apart of the survivors but Stanford, Stanley, and their parents did not. In this new world demons and other weird, satanic, and evil creatures are wildly excepted. As well is incest, gayness, and zoosexualness mostly due to to the advancement In animals during the bombings. And are now highly intelligent and strategical creatures. Though the most advanced creatures were amphibians that grew to and above humans in size and intelligence. The pines had made a truce with the amphibians giving them all rainforest and swamplands in the pines lands which stretched over most of western America. Also new animals and species arrived when the lack of humans really started. That is the explanation so I am out for now. So live laugh love and light up your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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