Chapter 29

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"M-Maddie, why didn't you come to me?" Maddie scoffed

"Yeah because you didn't hate me, and want nothing to do with me" I turned around and glared at her

"Don't Madison, she didn't know okay, it's not her fault, you didn't tell any of us I understand Carly threatened you but you cannot blame Demi for any of this, it is certainly not her fault" Maddie nodded slightly and mumbled a sorry

"What are we going to do?" Dallas asked recovering from her shocked state

"I, uh, I don't know" Demi looked to me for help

"Hell if I know, y'all can deal with this, whilst I do something with Maddie" I grabbed Maddie's hand and dragged her to the kitchen, I made her a salad

"We are going to sit here until you finish that, and then we are going upstairs and you will give me every single blade you have, and don't even try me Madison, I know ALL the hiding places" she gulped and picked a bit of lettuce up.

We sat there for an hour until Maddie had finished every bit of her salad, I seriously don't know how the fuck Demi does it, to be honest it was a little triggering

"I'm so fucking proud of you Mads, I know how hard it was for you" she gave me a weak small smile

"Okay, blades, now!" she hung her head and followed me to her bedroom, I sat on her bed and she walked into the bathroom

"Don't even think about closing that door Madison" I watched as she got most of her blades and gave them to me

"I said ALL Madison" she hung her head in shame and got the rest out, I made sure to search her room before flushing the blades.

"I am so fucking proud of you Mads" I gave her a hug,

"Now we are going downstairs to see what those losers have come up with" I made sure to walk behind Maddie so she wouldn't try anything with me.

We arrived in the room where we had left them, Mom was sobbing into Dad on one couch and Demi and Dallas were cuddled up on the other couch, Demi looked up and acknowledged our presence

"Okay, we uh came up with something, I'm bringing you home with me Maddie" Maddie nodded looking at the floor, Demi took a deep breath

"And uh, Bea, you'regoingtolivewithDallas" she said the last bit really fast but I still heard what she said, I froze in my tracks tears streaming down my face, I knew this would happen, she would keep me for a little while and then drop me off with someone else and pretend we never had the bond that we did. She'd go back to her busy work life and forget about me, and then when she came back she'd hang out with Dallas and Maddie and act as if I weren't there, it's not surprising it's happened before, but I thought she had changed, I guess I'm just a naive little brat

"YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME, I KNEW YOU DIDN'T ACTUALLY CARE, I FUCKING HATE YOU DEMETRIA, I CANNOT BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU" I ran up to my old room and locked the door, I went into my old bathroom and fell on the ground sobbing, I could hear sobs from downstairs but ignored them as they were probably Satan's child Demetria, I cannot believe she lead me on only to break me, of course Maddie was going to live with her, she's always liked her better, you know what fuck it, if she's going to kick me out and force me to live with Dallas then I'm not going to try to recover.

I looked through my entire bathroom until I finally found a blade. After dragging the blade across my skin 13 times, I dropped it and cleaned up my arms, I walked out of the bathroom and fell onto my bed ignoring the pounding on my door. I woke up to see Dallas standing at the foot of my old bed, I had two options be a complete bitch to her, or be nice to her,

"Dally, she said she'd never leave me" I whimpered as tears began to fall from my eyes

"Baby, we'll go back downstairs and Demi can explain it" I shook my head as anger began to rise in me

"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR DEMETRIA" I stood up from my bed and started trashing my room, I threw a glass vase against the wall and picked up a piece of glass off the floor, as I raised it to my neck Dallas realized what I was about to do and grabbed it out of my hands

"GIVE IT BACK" Dallas shook her head and opened her arms for me, I fell into them and she hugged me tighter than she ever has before. We stayed like that for an hour until mom came up and told us it was time for dinner

"I'm not going, you can go though" Dallas chuckled a little

"And leave you alone, with all this glass, not gonna happen, you are coming down and you are going to eat, and you will let Demi explain" I scoffed

"No, no, and no, I will not do any of those things" Dallas picked me up and carried me downstairs, she placed me on the chair in between her and the devil, mom placed our plates in front of us and Demi turned to help Maddie. I pushed my plate away and Dallas put it back, we repeated this action for about 5 times until I gave up and let it sit there

"Baby please eat it" I shook my head the voices still taunting me about earlier, I looked over to see Maddie struggling, I gave her a weak smile to encourage her, Demi was helping her and I couldn't help but feel upset and heartbroken, I haven't touched a single thing on my plate and she hasn't even looked my way the entire time we've been sitting here. I stood up and ran up to my room, sliding down the now locked door I burst into tears, why did I trust her so quickly, when I knew she'd only break my heart. I fell onto my bed again and let myself fall asleep.

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