Chapter 46

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I haven't slept a single bit, we are leaving at nine-thirty and currently it's seven. I am dreading today, she took it pretty well yesterday, but I know that once we get there it's going to be different. I had framed a picture of all of us for her to keep on her, and she still had the locket from when I left her with Dallas around her neck. I knew that I'd have to wake her up sometime soon, but I really didn't want to, I mean she'd probably find it creepy that I'd watched her sleep all night. 

I shook her shoulders and kissed her forehead, she slowly opened her eyes and then wrapped her arms around me

"Dem-Dem, you didn't sleep did you?" she asked quietly

"I did" I said trying to reassure her

"no you didn't, I can see it in your eyes" I sighed

"I was worried about you babygirl" she hugged me tighter

"I'm scared Dem-Dem" she whimpered

"I know you are baby, I was too, but I promise you they are nice people there. You just have to try, don't fight them" She put her head on my chest

"baby, we have to get up and have breakfast" she shook her head

"I don't want breakfast Dems, I'm too nervous" I stood up and picked her up, carrying her downstairs and placing her on a chair where I could watch her

"what do you want baby?" I asked her, she just shook her head before placing it in her hands

"you know if you don't eat breakfast I'll just have to feed you through your tube" she just shrugged, I went and grabbed the machine from the cupboard and then grabbed one of her feeds

"Demi, please don't" she whimpered as I hooked her up to the machine and the feed

"it's for your own good babygirl"


"please baby, get better for all of us" Mom said as she hugged Bea goodbye

"I love you momma" Bea whispered back

She said goodbye to Dallas and Maddie before walking out to the car, I grabbed the machine and her feeds and packed them in the car before hugging my family goodbye

We managed to get on the flight to Chicago without anyone noticing us, so hopefully that means no paparazzi later, I really couldn't be bothered dealing with them today. Bea was seated on one side of me gripping my hand tightly whilst Wilmer was on the other side of me rubbing circles onto the back of my hand.

Although I was way more confident now I was quite anxious about returning to Timberline Knolls. I felt like going there was going to bring back memories that I don't want, and then having to leave my sister there, I was scared of being triggered. That is why I'm glad Wilmer and Marissa are here, Wilmer always knows how to comfort me when I'm upset and Marissa doesn't push  me to talk but she always let's me know that she's there, she gives me space, and the only time she pushes me is if she's actually caught me with a blade or my fingers down my throat. But even then she gives me space, she lets me process things before she wants me to talk. A lot of the time when I won't talk it's because I haven't had time to process it.

I could tell Bea was anxious too, not that I blame her, I remember my first day at Timberline, it felt like I was in a living nightmare. I knew that she was going to hate it there, and  in fact she'll probably be like I was. Our personalities are quite the same,  which is what scares me about leaving her in treatment. She's also quite dependent on those around her another thing that scares me about leaving her in treatment. I just have to keep reminding myself to have faith in her, I must believe in her, because although she might not believe in herself at the moment, we need to show her that we believe in her, so that she'll believe in herself.

When we arrived there seemed to be no paparazzi at the airport, another win for us. We quickly got all our bags into the car that was waiting for us. Bea again sat next to me, but I wasn't complaining, I wanted her there. I already know I'm going to miss her like crazy.

We finally made it to the treatment centre and my breathing hitched in my throat, Wilmer noticed and rubbed my hand comfortingly, I kept reminding myself to take deep breaths. Once the car stopped I quickly grabbed Bea in case she tried to run off last minute. Eddie grabbed her bag, whilst Wilmer grabbed the bag with her machine and Marissa grabbed the bag that contained her feeds. I carried her up to the entry and immediately saw the receptionist that was there on my first  day of treatment 

"Demi! Long time no see, look at you, you look so good" Mary said smiling at me from behind her desk

"Thank you Mary, as do you"

"baby, this is Mary and I promise you she'll take good care of you" I said to Bea, placing her on the ground

"so this is miss Isabella" Mary stood up from behind the desk and walked out to shake Bea's hand

"Bye sweetie, I love you" Dad said hugging Bea, Marissa and Wilmer copied his actions then they all went back to the car, I waited a little longer I wanted to make sure she stayed calm before leaving

"How about you and I go and look at your room" Bea clung to my legs, I knew this was going to happen, and I'm about to get my heart broken

"It's time for me to go babygirl, I love you" I bent down and wrapped my arms around her tiny frame

"NO! Dem-Dem please stay" she whimpered holding onto me as if her life depended on it

"baby I have to go, please get better" I removed her arms from me and turned to walk away, tears blurring my vision. I felt arms wrap around my legs again

"I'm sorry baby, I have to go" I saw security getting closer to her, I wrapped my arms around her again and kissed her forehead

"I love you babygirl" one of the security guards picked her up and then gave me the signal to leave 

"DEM-DEM NO! PLEASE I LOVE YOU, DON'T LEAVE ME" Bea screamed as I walked towards the exit, I didn't turn around, and tears started to fall freely from my eyes





I walked back out to the car and got in next to Wilmer, breaking down in sobs

"she'll be alright hermosa she's strong like you" Wilmer whispered kissing my forehead lightly

"she's a warrior" I said wiping my tears

"a fucking strong warrior"


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