Chapter 2: A Quick Friendship

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The sun was rising elsewhere as well, pouring light into the room of a young man. The time was eight o'clock, and just as the clock turned to show this time, a large blaring noise burst from it. The alarm was going off, but even still the young man was taking his time waking up. After a minute of the blasting noise a small Pokemon rose from under the covers.

A Shuppet. It's small body floated over the sleeping form of the boy, it own eyes looking as though it had just woken up. Once it reached the alarm it used its head, and pressed the snooze button.

The loud noise was gone now, and all was left was the sounds of the people in the small town outside. People talking, and greeting one another, and even the sounds of the flying-type Pokemon that soared through the air. It was all very peaceful. After all Verdenturf was one of the smallest towns in Hoenn.

Soon the small Shuppet hovered over to its trainers head, and began nudging it softly. She also made a soft cooing noise as she did so. After a moment the male opened his eyes halfway, and seeing the small ghost, a smile split his lips. He was always happy to see his partner.

"Morning Shuppet. You sleep well?" He asked the small Pokemon. At that moment a large yawn rippled through the Shuppet. "I'll take that as a yes." He said with a chuckle.

Now that he was awake it was time to get moving. This was his big day. He had finally saved up enough money to explore the Hoenn region like he had always wanted to. So it was time to get dressed. He crawled from his bed, and ran his hand through his disheveled white hair. He always took forever to get up.

"Cyrus!! Hurry, or you'll be late!!" Came the call of a young female voice. "Alright Dessy! Keep your pants on!" He called back with a chuckle.

So he quickly changed out of his pajamas, tossing on a stripped shirt, and a pair of ripped, black jeans. He also pulled on a light overcoat, and a black beanie that served only to make his hair look even messier. After he had his clothes on he grabbed a silver ring from his desk, and picked up a black and red messenger bag, which he promptly slung over his shoulder.

He took a quick glance at himself in his mirror, and grinned once more. Tha was when his Shuppet floated over, and hovered over his right shoulder. It seemed that she approved of his look as well.

"Let's go girl. Time to show the world what we've got." He said optimistically. So the pair quickly tramped down the stairs, and stormed into the kitchen. There his younger sister, and his mother stood. The pair looked alike. Shoulder length blonde hair, full cheeks, and a happy glow about them.

Once they heard him enter the kitchen they turned, and smiled even wider at him. There was a place set for him at the table for breakfast, but it seemed that his mom knew he was not planning to eat. She already had his breakfast packed into a small bundle. "So? Ready for your big journey?" His mom asked as she rinsed out a pan. "You know it. Me and Shuppet are gonna blow 'em all away." Cyrus said with a huge grin.

Suddenly he felt his sisters arms around his waist. She was smiling up at him, her golden curls bouncing every time she moved. "Take care brother. We'll be routing for you." She said before pulling back from him.

With a confident nod he grabbed his breakfast and headed out the door, Shuppet following close behind. His first stop was the Pokemon center. It was just across from his house. As he approached the doors, they slid open, letting a cool refreshing breeze blow past him.

He was moving for the counter quickly, but stopped as he noticed everyone staring at the large t.v. that sat in the lobby. It seemed there was an important news broadcast. The screen showed a burnt, and empty field. It seemed as though a huge bomb had gone off. Then came the announcer's voice.

"This was the scene today only a short ways from Mount Pyre. This was the venue for many powerful trainers, and their battles. However as you can see; something horrible happened here today." The screen was now showing the blackened ground, and dotted around it were white sheets, small mounds showing from under the fabric. "Countless trainers were here, and it seems none of them made it through whatever it was that struck here."

Cyrus' eyes went wide as he listened to the words that came from the speakers. That is until one of the nurses came up, and shut the device off completely. This elicited complaints from some that were watching it, even Cyrus wanted to say something, but he also wanted to get out of there. So once the nurse was behind the counter once more he approached it.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center. How can I help you today?" The pink haired female asked. "I'd like a simple check-up for Shuppet here." He explained to her, the small ghost moving to hover over the counter in front of them. "Not a problem. It will just take a moment." She said as she lifted the Pokemon up, taking her to the back.

While he waited Cyrus went to one of the couches, and opened a magazine to pass the time. It wasn't long before a young looking guy came rushing in, carrying a Ralts in his arms. It seemed like it was in pretty bad condition, and the boy was panicking. The nurse had left with Shuppet, and so there was no one to help him.

Cyrus quickly jumped up, and went to help. From his bag he pulled out a small yellow pill, and a potion bottle. "Here. Give it this. Quickly." He said as he handed the pill to the male. It was a revive, and it was sure to help. The male nodded, and popped the pill into the mouth of the Ralts. Only seconds later it was moving, and making pained sounds. It did seem to be responding well though.

Taking a position in front of the male, Cyrus held up the potion, and sprayed the psychic Pokemon in the spots that seemed the worst. It didn't take long for the small creature to sit up, and start bouncing, as though trying to say thanks. With a small sigh the male looked up at Cyrus, and grinned.

"Thanks a ton. I don't know what I would do if I had lost her." The mystery male said, sadness filling his voice just from the though of it. "Hey it's not a problem. I feel the same about my partner." Cyrus responded. Just at that moment a familiar cooing floated through the air, and the white haired boy turned to see his partner floating towards him.

"Speaking of the devil." Cyrus chuckled. "A Shuppet? I haven't seen one of those before." The new boy said. It didn't take long before the ghost, and psychic-type Pokemon were playing together, giving their trainers time to introduce themselves.

"I'm Cyrus." The ghost trainer said with an extended hand. The other took it firmly, and shook it with a smile. "Kalon. A pleasure." He said with a nod. It seemed like the start of a great friendship, but high above at the point of Mt Pyre a shadowy figure stood. How long until this darkness descended? No one knew...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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