And so it begins...

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Justine McAllen burst through the office doors, two grande lattes in her hand and a folder tucked between her arm. She was walked as quickly as possible without spilling the two beverages and stopped at the front of Melissa's desk. She waited, looking at her expectantly.


Melissa looked up, reaching for the latte. Justine yanked it back.

“Nuuh-uh-uh,” she said. “First tell me how it went with your favourite player.”

Melissa rolled her eyes. “You read the article. Gimme my latte.”

Justine held the latte out of reach. “I don't see what you hate so much about the guy. And damn he is hot. Beautifully written by the way, as always. And lame.”

Melissa turned her attention back to her computer screen. “Yah, well, John wouldn't let me publish my version so I made a few last minute changes.”

Justine sighed, putting the latte on Melissa's desk. “Ah, the difficult life of the unopinionated journalist. Unless you get the editorial. Which John will totally-”

“-never let me have,” Melissa finished bitterly. “Ya. I know.”

“Anyways,” Justine said, raising her eyebrows, “John told me your book deal was coming up soon. Know who it's about yet?”

Melissa took a sip of her latte. “Don't really care. It'll make me money and the other guy famous so it's a win-win deal either way. Plus, I'm the best they've got-” she winked at Justine, “so it'll go quicker.” She stopped to study Justine's curious expression. “What?”

Justine turned around, the corners of her mouth giving her away. “Nothing. I just feel really good about today.”

Melissa put down her latte. “Ok, what is it?”

Justine sipped her latte. “Oh, here comes John. Time to look busy!”

Melissa glared at Justine's back as she scurried over to her desk. She looked up to greet her boss. “How's it goin', Johnny boy?” she asked, grinning. John was an older man, but with a still sure passion for the sport of hockey. He was also a good guy to have some intelligent conversation with. Something one needed after being in an office with Justine.

John shook his head. “Too old for that, Mels. I just want to let you know I have your person for your book.”

Melissa jumped up. “Who?”

John was smiling but their was an odd hesitancy in his eyes. “Let's have a chat in my office.”

Melissa looked at him strangley but followed him into him office. She caught Justine laughing as she passed her desk. She took a seat.

“Now Melissa, I just want to remind you this is a short project, so you don't have to worry about getting stressed out. You'll be working very few articles while doing this.”

“You know I'm fast at writing stuff. And I like it.”

“We've decided to choose an already well known hockey player as your subject. Very well know, actually. One of the editors suggested to me the other day an amazing idea on marketing the book, and the player has already given it the okay. It may sound risky, but it'll be huge in the end, promise.”

“Whoa whoa whoa, John. You're telling me everything and nothing at the same time,” Melissa said. “Tell me who the guy is first.”

Four months ago, John had told the team of sports writers about a possible book he would choose one of them to write on behalf of the paper. It would be almost like a documentary, and following in the life of a chosen hockey player. It would be huge for publicity, and sure to be a bestseller if written and delivered right. The Pittsburgh letters was by far the most popular newspaper, and John had chosen Melissa as the author. Melissa was estatic.

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