Supportive Friends

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 Controlling laughter was not a strong point of Justine, who hadn't been able to stop laughing since Melissa had told her the news.

“Oh my gosh,” Justine burst between gasps, only forcing herself to stop laughing because her sides had started to ache. “Is this... is this even for real? I mean, I knew you were assigned a player...but-” Justine's laughter started up again. Melissa continued to stare at her, painstakingly, unamused. Staring people down was becoming something of a hobby for her recently.

“You know,” Melissa said dryly, “Most people usually come to their best friends for a source of comfort and solace in times of distress. Usually.” Melissa had practically dragged Justine to her house an ordered her to sleep over for the weekend.

Justine slowly stopped laughing, but the smile still superglued on her face. “Seriously, Mels, I'm sorry. It's just-” another laugh escaped her, “-I really can't believe this. It's amazing.”

“You got that right,” Melissa muttered.

“I mean, being married to Christopher frickin' Kellar for six months? And you hating him so much? It's like a divine setup. This was destined. You couldn't change it now if you wanted to. You signed a contract, right?”

Melissa sighed. “Ya. But the end result has to a million times better than anything I'm gonna have to be going through, so it can't be total torture.”

Justine threw a pillow at her. “You act like a pretend marriage to this guy is going to be hell. You barely even know him, other than relating him to that other jerk you were with. But that's so over!” She grinned. “Besides, I know about a million girls who would begging to trade spots with you, including me. If they knew.”

Melissa rolled her eyes. “Yes, and they won't. Well they will, after this is all over. And I would trade with them, but I won't, ok? And you can't tell anyone. John barely let it go with me telling you.”

"Ah, I would have found out anyways." Justine smacked her lips, letting herself fall to the duveted bed cover. “Chris Kellar, mm-mm. That guy's picture is totally next to the word 'smexy' in the dictionary, you know.” She glanced up at Melissa. “You're not too bad yourself, you know? I wouldn't be surprised if the guy actually fell for you by the end of the first month.”

Melissa scoffed, throwing a pillow at her. “Please, I'm not even going to look at him unless I have to take his picture. And we're definitely not sleeping in the same bed.”

Justine looked surprised. “Seriously? Aww...c'mon. That can't be good for your marriage.”

“This is a set up and nothing else. Some people might just buy the book to burn it, I seriously don't care.”

Justine laughed. “Are you kidding? This is sooo romantic. I mean, give the guy a chance, at least, pleaasse? And I'm visiting you guys like, every day. Chris must have told one of his friends about this, too.” Melissa rolled her eyes, going back to packing her clothes. Justine regarded her intently. Her past failed relationship had turned Melissa into someone who laughed at the word love. Mels was a great girl, she deserved someone amazing. Justine's eyes brightened at a sudden idea. She looked slyly at Melissa. She would have to approve of her fake hubby first, but if Christopher Kellar had a friend that was crazy enough as her, her spontaneous idea might even work.


Kevin Phillips thrust his arm in the air, spilling rootbeer all over himself. “Cheers, man. I seriously thought this day would never come.”

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