Part 4

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She found a shiny black truck out front with two cowboys waiting for her.  She hopped into the extended cab and buckled up.  Cody was driving and then she realized it was the cowhand Josh in the passenger side.

"Ready?" Cody asked, putting the truck into gear and headed out.


Cody filled the silence with talk about the ranch and pointed out different things along the road. Cody and Josh talked about stuff they were doing around the ranch. It was about 25 minutes into town and soon they were at the country supply store.  She followed them to the back counter where Cody was greeted by a cute blonde girl that he seemed to know.  He placed his order and Adrianna wandered around the store trying to figure out what the heck the items on the shelves were for.

"Those are vaccination tags.  They clip them onto the cattles ears to mark them." She about jumped out of her skin when she heard Josh's voice behind her.  Very close behind her.

"Oh, does it hurt them?" She managed to ask. She was so nervous!  She already knew firsthand how hot he was and hoped she appeared calm and collected.

"No more than getting your ears pierced does.  Just a pinch." She turned around, eyes going to his ears.  No holes.  That was good.  He wouldn't look right with earrings.  Some guys pulled it off but Josh was different.  

"Oh? How would you know?" She asked and arched a brow.

"Ive been told anyways." He replied smirking at her.  He was always doing that! 

She turned back around and looked again at the items.

"What's that?" She indicated a stick looking thing with a fork thingy at the end.

"That is a cattle prod, zaps them." He picked it up and she took a step back.  "Really? Do you think I would try it out on you? Kinky Anna."

She belted out a laugh at that. She stepped closer and put her hand on his elbow. "Sorry, no it was just instinct." She pointed at a stack of red squares on the ground. "Whats that?"

"Its a lick." He said, way too close to her.  She must be losing her mind.  Did he just say lick? As in lick me, me lick him, we lick each other?

"I'm sorry what?" She stuttered, her eyes meeting his. His eyes were dancing mischievously.

"Its a mineral lick.  The cattle lick on it to get minerals they cant get out of hay or eating grass. See the circles hollowed in the sides? They start licking there."

She kept a straight face even though she imagined licking circles on him starting with..

"Ok guys, we are ready to load, lets go." Cody came around the corner and motioned them to follow. Josh and Adrianna didn't say anything but Josh ushered her in front of him and tried to readjust his pants without being caught.

They drove around back to the materials yard and two workers loaded the bed with T posts and barbed wire, per Cody who saw her looking at the stuff with questions in her eyes.  Boxes with clips and wooden posts as well.  She was really into learning this stuff.  Cody didn't mind answering the million questions she had for him.  He laughed when she said she actually wanted to help put the fence up.

"Sure, right after you help us inseminate the cows Anna! Hahaha." That kind of hurt her feelings but she knew Cody was just kidding. It didnt stop her from punching him in the arm though. She turned to load back up in the truck and saw that Josh did not look amused with the two of them bantering on.

"Lighten up Josh." She muttered and punched him in the arm as well and then scrambled for the safety of the truck.

They followed her around the grocery store like little puppies and it was her turn to answer questions about the different spices and produce she picked out.  She told them she was Sicilian and she would have them all fat and miserable in no time.  Neither one of them would let her pick anything heavy up.   She stopped at the meat department and asked if they had any large bones. For the dog she planned on winning over.  She checked her list and was satisfied they had all she came for.  They checked out and headed back to the ranch.  She was exhausted.  She had never really grocery shopped before. Well, not for this man anyways.  

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