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One year later.......

The water felt so good on her feet. It was a hot, humid, summer day. Adrianna lay on the dock, under a huge willow tree, dangling her legs in the ice cold pond. She had left Josh a note to meet her here and she was going crazy waiting for him.

Josh and Adrianna had married 6 months prior in a quiet ceremony on Trent's ranch. After her attack, Josh had been by her side constantly. They came back to his ranch and she had fallen in love with it instantly. It was theirs. Josh encouraged her to decorate the house anyway she wanted and she had dug in, loving every minute of it. She still cooked and cleaned for Trent daily but had really thrown herself into the house. Josh had immediately jumped into the ranch life and already was seeing the results. He had hired two cowhands already and spent his long days becoming more and more of a cowboy and spent his nights loving his bride. It was a wonder either of them didn't collapse from exhaustion.

Eyes closed and arms flung above her head, Adrianna found herself smiling just thinking about her hot husband. He lit her fire and was the only one that could ever come close to extinguishing the flames.

"Adrianna Calloway, where are your clothes, lady? She opened her eyes to find Josh standing over her, hands on his jean clad hips and smiling devilishly down at her. Her heart skipped a beat when he said her married name. There was such a satisfied feeling, knowing she belonged to such an awesome man and that he too belonged to her.

She didn't even bother answering him. "I missed you." She said quietly and sat up.

Josh's eyes went soft and he leaned down to help her stand up. Wrapping her in his arms, he buried his face in her neck, just inhaling the scent of her.

"Missed you too babe."

After Adrianna's attack, she had suffered from nightmares for months. She had been prescribed an anti anxiety medicine and had to see a counselor. The counselor had helped tremendously and she had been doing very well. Until lately. Fearing a relapse, she had made an appointment to talk to the doctor this morning. Josh had things to do at the ranch and Adrianna forbid him rearranging everything so he could go with her, which he hadn't liked one bit. He had been with her from day one. Making her rest and heal, holding her at night when she woke up crying. She had finally been cleared to quit the medicine and hadn't had a return of the nightmares but was extremely emotional lately and she internally feared the worst.

"Love you." She said to him, wishing there were words to described how he made her feel but came up lacking when she tried.

"Adrianna, are you ok? Talk to me." He said, concern etched into his handsome face as he looked down at her.

"I'm fine. Really."

"I knew I should have gone with you. Dammit, why didn't you let me go? What did the doctor say?" He asked softly.

"He said that now that you have done your job, you need to let me get more rest." She said smiling slyly at him. She moved them so he was on the edge of the dock now and tightened her hold on him, loving the way he felt in her arms. His hands slid down to cup her rear and give her a delicious squeeze.

"My job?" He asked, confused.

"Yep. Your job of getting me pregnant." She answered, matter of factly. She waited for about 2 seconds before it sank in and she pushed him in to the pond, laughing hysterically. She was doubled over laughing when he resurfaced. He shook his head to get rid of the water blurring his eyes and he swam back to the dock with a huge grin on his face.

Adrianna put her hand out to help him back up but he just pulled her into the icy water with him. Neither one of them could hold their excitement in and spent a few minutes kissing and grinning.

Josh led her to the bank of the pond where he continued kissing her and when he came up for air he said,

"I love you more than my next breath. You've made me the happiest man in the world."

Her eyes grew misty and she cupped his head as she trailed kisses all other his face. His hand was over her still flat stomach and his heart showing up in his eyes.

"Well, I personally hope your 'job' of loving me never ends."

"Amen to that." And with that he proceeded to show her with his hands, mouth and heart that his job would never end.

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