Chapter 33

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Your POV

I surfaced the water next to Mabel, making her jump slightly. She glares at me as I laugh slightly.

"Gosh, Mabel! You need to calm down!" I laugh, then notice her stance. She looked as though she was trying to hide something behind her.

"M-Mabel...are you okay?" I wearily ask. She simply nods in response, shaking her head lightly as though clearing her thoughts.

"Y-yea! E-very things fine! Why wouldn't they be fine? You know what is fine? Why is fine important? Not that I'm not fine, because I'm perfectly fine! See?! I'm myself! Why wouldn't I be myself or fine like you said earlier? That's me! Miss Fine McFinie!" She spoke, quite fast. My eyebrows furrow and I roll my eyes.

"Yea, okay. Like you rambling on like that doesn't give you away at all." I say sarcastically. She visibly gulps and sighs.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)...I just didn't want you to think I'm insane..." She looks down at the reflective water pooling at her elbows.

"Too late for me not to think that Mabe." I chuckle, using her nickname. A soft smile cracks on her face. She takes in a breath and looks up at me.

"Okay. I'll tell you. Just...don't freak out." She says calmly, raising her hands out from the water. I nod in response and cross my arms under the water.

She steps aside to reveal a guy. He had fair, tan skin, long wavy black hair, and the beginnings of a mustache. He smiled and waved at me.

"Hola." He smiles. He clearly sounded as though he spoke fluent Spanish. I smile and wave back. I them turn my attention to Mabel.

"Mabel, this is what you had to hide from me?!" I say, thinking our small disagreement earlier was for nothing. She laughs nervously, rubbing her arm.

"Hehe....maybe...." She sighs, daring to look me in the eye. I hide a smirk and go below the water silently, unnoticed my Mabel as she was looking down at the her reflection in the water. I silently swim behind her underneath the water, quickly grabbing her ankles and pulling her under water. I surface and start laughing. She surfaces shortly after, glaring daggers at me, causing me to laugh even more.

"Your forgiven." I say between laughs, flashing a cheeky smile at her. She starts laughing along with me. Once our laughing fit died down, I took hold of her shoulders, whispering in her ear.

"Mabel, I have an idea." I smirk. Her eyes light up as she smiles.

"Whatcha got, (Y/n)?" She happily asks. I whisper in her ear my plan and she smirks deviously.

"I love it!" She squeals. I smile at her enthusiasm and turn to the guy Mabel had befriended, realizing I don't know his name.

"Um, I'm so sorry, but what's your name?" I ask awkwardly. She just smiles understandingly.

"My name is Mermando." He said, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I take it and shake his hand lightly. I turns back to Mabel, smiling brightly.

"Okay. Let's go home and get this started." I say, getting out of the pool. Mabel comes out of the pool after me as Mermando stayed on the pool. I frowned slightly.

"Um, you can come if you want." I smile. He smiles back.

"That would be nice." He says as he emerges from the water, stretching. (Bet you didn't see that one coming did ya?)

We all dry off, collect everyone else, and instead of driving home, we all decide to walk back to the Shack.

"Guys, this is my new friend Mermando!," Mabel chimed, breaking the silence," Mermando, these are my friends, (Y/n), Tad, and Bill, and my twin brother, Dipper." Mermando waved and everyone waved back. We continue walking, the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet the only sound to fill the silence.

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