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This is a fanfic of Katyayenisingh and GEORGMCC2001

LOTR_HarryPotter helped me write this so give her some credit not a lot but maybe some if you are feeling generous.


Chemistry first two periods on a Monday, Katyayeni's favourite subject and one of Georgia's least favourite.

Katyayeni wanted every minute to last as long as possible and Georgia wanted it to be over as quick as possible but then again maybe not since after Chemistry was Music which in Georgia's eyes was even worse than Chemistry.

When Georgia and Katyayeni walked in Mr Snape was already there shaking his head back and forth in dissatisfaction.

Katyayeni and Georgia sat down in there usual seats at the front of the class.

Mr Snape started talking about the experiment that they were going to do and like usual Georgia didn't listen.

So when the time came to actually do the experiment needless to say Georgia had no clue about what she was supposed to do.

Then a stroke of luck seemed to shoot down from the Heavens, Katyayeni asked Georgia if she could be her partner!

Georgia was saved from certain because she knew that Katyayeni knew exactly what to do. Katyayeni always knew what to do she got 100% in the non-calculator maths test!!!!

Georgia knew the experiment was in safe and decided to sit back and let Katyayeni do all the hard work, that was until Katyayeni asked Georgia if she could pour 10mls of Alkali into the Acid.

Now this doesn't seem so hard but Georgia wasn't really listening to what Katyayeni said or watching what she was doing and so instead she poured 40mls of Alkali into the acid oops!

However like usual Katyayeni knew what to do an evened out the Alkali in some weird sciencey way that Georgia didn't know about,all was well, until Mr Snape told them to clean up the equipment.

Georgia thought that this would be easy what can go wrong all I have to do is go to the sink empty out the acid and alkali. What can go wrong?

The answer is everything.

First Georgia spilled the acid, then she poured the alkali in the wrong sink, then she dropped one of the test tubes and put the other one in the bin by accident.

Mr Snape went livid and started screaming at Georgia. I mean siriusly  what had Georgia done?

Thankfully Katyayeni stepped in and said that she had bumped into Georgia causes making her to spill the acid, then told Georgia she should pour the alkali into the wrong sink, then when she was drying the test tubes she hadn't dried one of them properly so it was still slippy making Georgia drop it and left the other test tube in the paper towel causing Georgia to think she was putting a paper towel in the bin and not a test tube.

All in all Katyayeni made it seem as though Georgia was completely innocent and it was all Katyayeni's fault.

With that explanation Katyayeni saved Georgia's arse from detention but landed herself with detention.

Oh well.

When finally the bell went and for once Georgia wasn't in the slightest bit sad about heading to Music.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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