Chapter 1

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Megan spread the comforter over her bed in her new room and collapsed on top of it, one arm thrown over her eyes. She kicked off her shoes and let out a deep sigh. It was only three in the afternoon and she was already so tired. She and Abby had moved out of their shared apartment so Abby could move in with Lance.

Things had moved fast once Abby and Lance had decided to move in together. They found an available apartment a couple of days after Lance came back and moved in less than a week later. Matt, one of Lance's roommates, had suggested that Megan take Lance's room. It seemed like an easy and convenient solution for everyone, so she'd agreed.

It was definitely going to be an interesting year. She'd need to stop by the tutoring center to rearrange her work schedule now that she lived farther from campus. She had set up her class and work schedule so she had a break in the middle of the day, but she was too far to make the trip home worthwhile, so she'd work during that break and come home earlier in the evenings.

At least she'd gotten Abby's comforter out of the deal. Abby had given it to her right before they'd left their old apartment. She'd said it was the least she could do since she'd left Megan to scramble for a new place to live and forced her to move in with Chris and Matt. Plus, she knew how much Megan loved it and had used it most of the summer. Megan rolled over and snuggled into the comforter, smiling at the memory, too hot still to get underneath. It was so snuggly and cozy. Way better than the quilts she'd used before.

A knock on her open door had her lifting her head and looking over her shoulder. Chris stood in the doorway, letting his hands hang from the top of the door frame by his fingertips. His stance caused his t-shirt to raise a little, a strip of tanned skin on display above the waistband of his shorts that hung off his hips just right.

A frisson of arousal skittered down Megan's spine as her eyes wandered up Chris's form. She resisted the urge to lick her lips. They were roommates now, so she needed to tamp down her attraction. Giving in would be a sure fire way to mess up their living arrangements. She didn't want to do that, especially not the day she moved in. "What's up?"

Chris's hazel eyes finished their perusal of her sprawled body and came to rest on her face. She watched his Adam's apple bob while he swallowed and then his tongue came out to run along his lower lip. "Hmm?"

She raised her eyebrows and rolled over so she could sit up. That was an interesting reaction from him. "Did you need something?"

"What? Oh, yeah." Chris dropped his arms and leaned against the doorjamb, his eyes on her face now. "One of our teammates is having a pool party at his parents' house tonight. Matt and I are both going. Wanna come?"

"It's not just for the team?"

Chris lifted one shoulder. "The team and invited guests."

"Sure. You know I'm always up for a party." She shot him a cheeky grin.

He smiled back. "Great. We'll take my car since we won't all fit in Matt's truck. You hungry? We can order pizza or hit a drive-thru before we head to Bryant's."

Megan's stomach let out an audible growl. She laughed. Perfect timing. "Uh, yeah. I could eat. Pizza's fine or grabbing something on the way. Whatever you guys want to do. I'm easy."

Chris's smile grew wider, and a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "You are, huh? That's good to know."

Megan got off the bed. "Yup. I'm easy when it comes to food." She walked over to Chris and patted his chest, stretching up on tiptoe so she could bring her mouth close to his ear, just to mess with him a little. He leaned his head down in response, one corner of his mouth curled up and his breath came faster. "Just food."

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