Once again the jarring siren of the speaking cylinder pierced through the recycled air. However, Maxwell welcomed any chance to get away from his new dream-shifter concubine who had arrived with the envoy. He had been spending most of his time with the concubine but began to crave solitude as the company of the dream-shifter proved to be one of diminishing returns. He was in luck as the phenomenon was too remarkable. Again the Cartographers gathered around excitedly but they were a little too hesitant to move out of his way. Eventually Maxwell could see what the fascination was: a great swirl of colors, beyond the extremes of our known spectrum, was forming between the two. Quickly Maxwell summoned his notebook and began his trademark scribbling in a fervent manner. One Cartographer managed to discern two phrases in big letters, "DIMENSIONALITY...PHYSICS..." and shortly afterwards, "INGRAINED?! DEEP-MAGIC..." With a sudden snap, Maxwell turned and proclaimed to the crowd that he would from now on be the sole observer. Everyone else was to vacate the chamber immediately. Knowing better than to argue the decree the Cartographers hung their heads and filed out. Maxwell turned back to the simulacrum, his eyes narrowing and his posture perfect.
The Progeny
Science FictionThe breaching of the great gulf between our microcosm and the beyond.