Chapter 1

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Caroline's POV

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!

I sprinted around the corner, trying to put as much distance between me and the boys' locker room as possible. Once I had reached a reasonable distance, I slowed to a walk, looking around at the white walls of the school.

"Excuse me-" I started asking a tall, lanky girl, only to be blown off.

"I'm sorry, but-" No such luck with a short, pudgy boy either.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" I turned to face a thin boy with a brown, shaven head.

I nodded quickly, wanting to get out of the crowded halls. "Do you know where room B239 is?"

"B239?" he repeated. "That's where I'm headed. Homeroom." The boy smiled at me warmly, gesturing me to follow him down the long hall, people flowing past us briskly.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Liam." He called back as an afterthought, without looking back.

"Caroline." Liam walked fast. I mean, really fast. Speedy Gonzales couldn't catch him at this speed. Or maybe it was my short legs. Either way, I was losing sight of him.

"Li-Liam!" I called quietly after him, to no effect.

Someone harshly bumped into my shoulder, making me spin backwards. "Sorry!" I called after them.

Just as I turned around, my foot slid from underneath me, making me tumble forward, into something solid and hard.

"Hey, what the hell?" I was shoved away from the solid object roughly, hitting the floor.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking up at who I had harmed this time. Oh shoot.

The tall, dirty blonde football player from the locker room was looking down at me, with a not-so-nice look on his face.

"Sorry," I repeated, at a loss for words.

"You should be sorry," he snapped back, his expression turning darker. "Stay away from me."

As he walked away, the crowd that had congregated started to filter out as students started heading to class.

Liam swooped beside me, gathering my books quietly, and helping me up. "Quickly now, don't want to be late for homeroom," he said quietly.

I nodded, taking my books from him. Looking back, I saw the blonde boy's figure disappear around a corner.

What a great first day.

(A/N Haha oh lord no one has read this. Anyway, if you DO end up reading this, comment and tell me what you think or if there is anything I should change/add!!)

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