Chapter 1

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Two days have passed since I found out I was pregnant and today was the day I was going to tell Erick about my pregnancy. I was really nervous and scared at the same time. Then my phone rang


"Hey babe"

"Erick we need to talk"

"Sure wus up"

"Please dont get mad at me when I tell you this because it is also your fault"


"-sigh- Im pregnant with your baby"

" WHAT!!!!!!"


"Im not mad I'M VERY HAPPY!!

"You are?!?"

"Of course I am "

"Im so glad you are happy"

"Well babe I have to got to class so talk to you later?"

"Sure, bye babe"

I hung up. I was so excited that Erick was glad and happy that I was pregnant. Now the only thing I need is go to a doctors appointment without my parents finding out. One challenge down two to go. RIIIING. The bell rang and I was heading for my first period. I sat on the seat right next to my bff, Keila, in math class. I needed to tell Kei about my pregnancy. I got a little paper and wrote a note:


   We need 2 talk after class!! Got important news 2 tell u""



I passed her the not when Mr.Finnegan wasn't looking. She anwsered:

K Rach!! Im very excited bout the BIG NEWS. Talk 2 u later



I nodedd back to her and put thnote away. When class was over I talked to Kei and told her about the baby.

"YOU ARE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? OMG!!!! This is amazing Rachel!! How far away are you?"

"IDK I found out two days ago"

" Well lets go to the doctors after school"

"Sure!!!! That would be great but I cant today because Ive got a date with Erick, so tomorrow?"

" Sure I will call the Doctor today to get a date for you tomorrow"

"Thanxs Kei"

I was so glad I had a friend like Kei.


Hey guys!! please tell me if my story is ok! Give some Ideas 2 make it better PLEASE!!! Please help me get more readers and fans. 

Hey guys I want to thank innamorare for doing the amazing cover!!

Keep it a secret (The story of a teenage pregnancy)Where stories live. Discover now