Chapter 4

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I hated school. Everyone was so mean. Everybody  said "look at the slut who got herself knocked up. I bet she doesn't even care." All I wanted to do was cry. Sometimes I wish there was a mute button. I was thinking home schooling but I would miss going to school, besides, school is good ignoring all the nasty comments. Luckily, I had Erick and Kei to support me.

When I went to my house that day I found Ryan, my older brother, in the living room. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. I missed him so much. He left about a year ago to war and we just got letters from him every three months or so" RYAN!" I squealed. He hugged me back tightly. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were staying in war for another 2 months." i asked happily.

"Well I just came back because they were sending some soldiers back home and I was very lucky to get picked." "I'm so glad your  back " I answered back with a hug.

  Then I saw her. I saw my mom sitting in the other side of the couch. " What are YOU doing her?" I asked angrily. She didn't answer for a minute or two. Then she sighed and said " I'm sorry honey is that there was too much pressure and I had a secret of my own and when you said you were pregnant it just..." she cut herself out. Her eyes were full of tears. "If I may ask what is that secret mom?" I asked a little worried. She sighed and a tear rolled down her face.  "You are.. ado..adopted." When I heard that I couldn't believe it. In some way it made sense. I had brown eyes and dark hair while my mom had blue eyes and dirty blond hair. My dad had dark hair with blue eyes. But all my life I called them my parents and right when I needed them the most they throw this huge bomb on me. "Wait... your pregnant?" Ryan asked confused. I nodded with tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!!!!!" Ryan screamed in the highest and most anxious voice Ive ever heard. That made me laugh. Then I turned around to face my parents. "Why?" I asked in sad voice. " I wanted to have children of my own. Your father and I tried many times. When I fell pregnant with Ryan it was like a miracle. Then I wanted a girl but the doctor said it was too dangerous for me to have more children. I was really sad when I heard that." Hannah cut her off "So it means I'm adopted too?" Mom nodded sadly.

 Then Hanna's happy-self turned into a sad-depressing person. "When we adopted Hanna I wanted a 3rd and last child, since all my family has three children but your father said we should wait at least two years to adopt another child. Then two years past and we went to the orphanage to adopt our last child. When we entered to the baby section I found the cutest baby girl, you. When you were finally ours our world was complete. When we saw Hanna and you growing more every day we were struggling if we should tell you or not. Your father wanted to tell you but I didn't because I thought it would break your heart and you wouldn't love us anymore. I'm so sorry."

Mom was crying so hard I couldn't even listen to my own thoughts. "It's okay mom" both, Hanna and I answered in unison. We both gave her a hug. Mom cried another 5 minutes but then she was fine.

We ate dinner, chit chatting about this and that. After dinner I went to bed. Tomorrow I had a busy day. I was going to find out the genders of my babies. I was so excited. Then my phone rang. It was a message of Erick

 Hey babe! Really excited about 2morrow! Sleep tight!


<3 u


I smiled at the text. I texted back.

Me 2 babe! Cu 2morrow!


Rachel <3

I turned my cellphone off and fell asleep. I fell into an endless sleep about the twins, Erick and me just like a happy family.

The next day  Erick picked me up around 8:·30 am. I was super excited. When we arrived to the doctor's office the doctor told me lay down on the chair near the screen. I lifted my shirt up and the doctor poured the cold gel in my little bump. " Ok so baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl!" i smiled. The doctor took the picture and gave it to us. I was really happy finally knew what I was having. 

After the appointment Erick and I went home and told everyone the news. Everyone was really happy, including mom. Then I texted Kei and told her everything. She send me back a happy face. 

Finally I had my happy moment. No mean comments, no nasty looks. Only my babies mattered and that's what I wanted.


YAY !!! the are having one of each! Sorry it took me so long to upload!! i had a bunch of HW!! :( Any way i need some ideas for some characters!! who should be Rachel's mom? Rachel's dad? Ryan?

Need ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! SOS


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Fallenlove44 (Spence)

 P.S: Will try to upload ASAP!!! No promises though! please tell EVERYONE to read my book please I'm trying to make this book as well known as possible. Thanks again!!!! :) U GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

P.P.S: Rachel is now 3 months pregnant/ 12 weeks.

Keep it a secret (The story of a teenage pregnancy)Where stories live. Discover now