Little Mistakes - Riarkle

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So I thought I'd start out with Riarkle, since they're my favorite ship. Rucas will be next, then Lucaya, and Markle.

Riley POV

The bell rang for class, and I sat down to start history. My dad's class. I dropped my pencil and muttered a curse as Farkle accidentally kicked it further away from me. He tried to help me pick it up just as I bent down and we smacked into each other. 

"Ow." I murmured. Farkle looked up sheepishly. 
"Sorry, Riley." 
"It's okay. You didn't mean to." My head was pounding a little and I grinned a little. Farkle stared into my eyes. He really did have gorgeous eyes. They were blue and a little grey. I loved them. What am I thinking? I said to myself. I don't like Farkle...

My father cleared his throat and I stood up, blushing as I tried to get around Farkle, who was standing in front of my seat. We both sat down, and I saw him smirking a bit. We turned around and paid attention. "Yeah, okay. Anyway, the civil war was a war we fought against ourselves."

"Blah blah blah. We already learned this Matthews, isn't this a bit futile? You teach us to be independent, but you won't let us. You teach us to be true to ourselves, but you don't stop us from changing one another. What's the point of all this?"

"Miss Hart, I think that you already know the answer. Class, read pages 136-140 and fill out the questions on page 142. That will be your assignment."

I looked over at Lucas, hoping to talk to him, but him and Maya were already deep in conversation. I tried to smile, but it ended up looking more like a grimace. Farkle tapped me gently on the shoulder and smiled at me. "Wanna work with me, Riley?" I nodded, and we were finished in no time, since Farkle had already read the pages. 

We walked to our next class together, but I tripped over my feet and dropped all my books. But Farkle was right there and he picked up all my books and placed them in my arms. "Here, Smiley Riley." I grinned. I loved it when he called me that. 

Later that day, as we were walking to our lunch table, Missy stuck out her foot and tripped me. I went down, my food falling on top of me. I was a mess. I let my frustrated tears fall. Why was she such a- "Riley, come on." It was Farkle, holding out a hand for me. He led me into the girls bathroom and helped me wash up. Then he put his sweatshirt on me to cover up the stains left on my shirt. When he kissed my cheek, it surprised me.

I enjoyed it, but dismissed the thought. He didn't like me. It was just to be nice, as a friend. "Farkle, why did you do that?" He blushed a little bit. "Riley, I like you. I always have. Smackle was just a way to keep me distracted, since you obviously liked Lucas." I frowned.

"Why would you like me, Farkle? I'm a klutz, always needing for you to pick me up, always making little mistakes that make me look stupid."
"You really don't know, do you? Your little mistakes are what make you so adorable. Riley, I would love you no matter what mistakes you made." Then he kissed me full on the lips. I kissed him back.

"So Riley..."Farkle started. "Would you want to hang out at Topanga's after school?"

"You mean with Lucas and Maya too?"
"No. I was thinking...well, just the two of us."

YAY RIARKLE!! Okay, so next is Rucas, and yeah...I liked this one, and I like this next one.


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