Chapter 20

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Callie pulled the Mini into the parking space at the front of the quaint bed and breakfast just outside Cork city limits. Driving four and a half hours straight, to the point of almost falling asleep behind the wheel, and she was shattered, grateful to see the signpost on the main road declaring the Robin's Nest open 24/7. As she approached, however, she saw no lights or life about the place. She got out of the car and left the main lights on, hoping it would help her to read the note stuck to the glass on the inside of the front door.

Please ring for attention it read, with an arrow pointing to an intercom. She pressed the button and waited. After a few minutes, the hall light came on and an elderly man shuffled his way toward the desk in his dressing gown and slippers.

"Yes?" His sleepy, static-filled voice echoed from the small box.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to wake you at such an early hour, but we would like a room for a day or two please."

"Push the door when the buzzer sounds," he instructed. "Tap o la morning te ye missy." He laughed outright at her expression upon hearing his overenthusiastic, stereotypically Irish greeting, which trailed into a fit of wheezing and subsequent coughing. "Three rooms to choose from. Top floor joined single, ground floor double, or the flat o'er yonder?" he asked once he caught his breath.

"The flat, I guess."

"Deposit is sixty-nine euro. Sign the register, and breakfast will be at eight sharp. The missus don't do late, so if you wanna eat, be there." He pocketed the cash she handed him after she signed the book and he gave her the key. "Pleasant dreams, Missy."

"Thanks." She jogged back to the car and moved it over a few feet to park outside the flat.

Irene groaned and stretched. "Are we there yet?"

"Hey, sleepy head. Not quite yet. I got us a room just outside the city. I need to sleep for a few hours before I kill us both falling asleep behind the wheel." She yawned, proving her point.

"Go on in and I'll bring in the case. You can take this one though," Irene offered, handing her the bags of blood conveniently wrapped in brown paper.

They made their way up concrete steps at the side of the building that led to the flat over the garage. Callie dropped the keys onto the table just inside the door and headed straight for the bed. Irene kicked the door closed behind her and set the case on the floor.

"I'm just going to grab a shower. Anything in here I shouldn't wear?" she asked, opening the case.

"Anything you like is fine by me. Breakfast is at eight sharp. Don't be late or you won't get fed," Callie warned, slipping off her shoes and lying on the bed still fully clothed. "We'll leave at half nine for the Circle headquarters. Wake me at nine if I'm not already up?"

"Sure," she agreed as Callie closed her eyes and let the blissful darkness take her.


"Caalliee Wiilllliaams...Caalliee Willliaamss... Caallieeee Wiiilliaammmsss..." A familiar voice rang out in a singsong. "Ah! There you are, even more beautiful than I remember," he said with bright smile that flashed his even, pearly-white teeth.

"Where the hell..." Callie began.

Ornate murals of dragons in flight and scenes of ferocious battles interrupted her train of thought as she looked around at what she assumed was someone's bedroom. A rich chocolate brown carpet, with a pile so deep it hid her toes, covered the floor. The bed was huge - like something fit for royalty. It had large ornately carved wood headboard and four equally ornate posts at each corner, sporting a rich cream curtain tied back with dark leather cords. In the centre of the bed, covered to the waist by a matching throw, sat a naked, extremely well-defined chest, with a tan that was enhanced by the colour of the throw.

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now