Chapter 25

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Seconds after the first mouthful of Callie's blood, Sam's body began convulsing. Violent spasms made his head jerk viciously to tear at Callie's flesh, leaving her vein open. Blood spewed everywhere. Her hand flew to her neck in an attempt to stanch the flow until she could reach the towel she left in the laundry basket on the other side of the room. She packed the towel around the wound, returning quickly to check Sam. Blisters were forming on his lips and blood gurgled from his mouth.

"Oh God! Oh God! What's happening? Sam? Sam please, what do I do?" She shook him.

He vomited blood over her face and naked chest, running in tracks between her breasts.

Sid, his voice whispered faintly through her mind.

Sidney! she broadcast with urgency, Sidney, Sam's hurt! Help please Sidney!

I hear you. What's wrong? Sidney replied, her calm belying the urgency she felt through the link.

There's something wrong with Sam, he's having convulsions and spitting blood everywhere!

Project your memories to me.

Callie opened the door to her shields and sent all her memories from the moment Sam arrived in her home – she didn't bother filtering out the x-rated scenes.

He's like that from drinking your blood? Damn. Okay, you need to flush it out quickly, use water. Stick his head under a tap or something. Don't worry about him drowning at this point - just keep flushing until the water coming back out runs clear. We're on our way, maybe five minutes. You'll need to let me in when I get there. I'm bringing some shifters with me too. He'll need their blood.

Callie carried him to the bathroom and laid him gently down in the bath, rushing to disconnect the showerhead from the hose so she could put it in his mouth as a direct flush. Turning the cold-water tap on full, she prayed that Sidney would be quick.

You might want to get dressed before we get there. The shifters I'm bringing are all male... Although I'm sure they wouldn't mind an eyeful, Sidney sent as an afterthought. And rub some of your saliva into the wound on your neck. It will stop the bleeding.

Callie gingerly peeked beneath the towel - blood spurted and hit her square in the eye. She used the only dry corner left on the towel to wipe it. She then spat in her hand and inched it under the towel to rub it in, repeating again, and again until the bleeding stopped.

The colour of the water leaching from the side of Sam's mouth had gone from red to a faint tinge of pink when she checked on his progress. She also noticed his nakedness at this point and grabbed her robe from the bathroom door, laying it over him to cover his lower half at least. She flashed back to her room and grabbed the first piece of clothing she came across. Sam's shirt covered enough of her nakedness to pass muster. She'd just finished rolling up the sleeves when Sidney's voice echoed in her mind again.

We're only a minute away. Open the door and stand back. These guys will trample all over you if you're in the way.

She raced down stairs, barely touching any of the steps, and flung the door open just as Sidney's Audi pulled up behind Sam's BMW. Three huge guys pilled out of it and charged straight for her. She managed to duck behind the door just in time to avoid being crushed. When she peeked back out, Sidney was dancing on the spot, anxiously waiting for the invitation that would allow her entrance.

"Come in," Callie invited and followed at her heels as Sidney tore up to the bathroom to her sire.

Two of the shifters had turned the water off, removed the hose from Sam's mouth and lifted his limp body forward to allow a third to slip in behind him. He held Sam against his chest as a sharp, mean-looking knife was placed in his hand. He drew it across his own wrist to open a vein, allowing the thick, pungently sweet blood to pulse from the wound. Its intoxicating scent instantly filled the small bathroom and Callie staggered at the smell of it, her teeth lengthening to fill her mouth. She closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the sight of it pulsating in rivers of crimson. She could hear each beat of the shifter's heart calling out a tattoo of her name. With her eyes closed, she inched toward the bath, letting the smell guide her.

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now