Chapter •4•

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I felt empty knowing that Sakura just collapsed and lost consciousness. It was as if my heart had a crack in it.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but I just felt empty. And still knowing all these things I still couldn't figure out what emotion it is. This Karin chick also gave off a horrible aura. The way she looked at Sakura was as if she wanted to kill her.

... The thought of that made shivers go down my spine.

I was just about to ask her what she was doing so close to are bace, when Hidan beat me to it. "Bi*^h what the h*ll were you so close to are bace" he questioned.

Oh the irony, but at lest I didn't say what was on my mind.

Around two hours latter she woke up, which made all of us extremely happy.

Until she turned to thank the healer and screamed. She started yelling at her and cursing at her.

We were all in shock to say the least, I mean only Sasori knew what happened in the leaf village. After all he's the one that got her. My partner Kisame ended up having to hold her back before the cherry blossom landed a deadly strike on her.

What an eventful evening...


"Where is that red haired bit*h" screamed that out of water shark. "Beyond me" said the monster of a man. "What do you think Sasuke"?

"Hn... I couldn't care less" replied the former member of team 7.

"Harsh" "I know right" the two kept talking to each other about my comment. "She holds valuable information, don't you think we should find her" questioned Juugo.
"Ah" I replied in an non-caring matter."what an as*" The shark said under his breath.

I simply shrugged it off and my mind drifted to the past. Back to the team 7 days, my heart was crushed when we found Sakura's house in flames thinking she was inside. Although it didn't look like it I really prayed that my old useless team mate of mine is in a better place.

She really was sweet girl but, was always the one we had to save. I knew when we came back from being rogue people would have grown stronger, I at least hoped she would as well. But my hopes were in vain or at least I'm told this by the people that knew her at the time.

What surprised me the most was the way every one treated her. I heard she was the disciple of the 5th hokage, at lest they could of shown some respect.

I really don't care though. I knew my team was ruining her life, but I thought she could take care of herself. Clearly I was wrong.

I feel a tap on my left shoulder when I turn to see Suigetsu, the shark like man. "We have to leave now Sasuke she is nearing Akatsuki Territory" i nodded my head while we took of jumping on tree branches.


While I'm screaming at the bit*h that ruined my life, I sense there charkas closing in on us quickly. I look around to see the others noticing to. I shut my mouth and run out of the room to get my gear for battle. I race out of the front door along side Itachi, geting closer to the targets.

I knew it was a familiar chakra, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around it.
I feel my hand being squeezed, so I look down to see Itachi holding it. For some reason it made my heart skip a beat. He wrapped his fingers in mine while we neared the target.

This felt different than with Sasori, this made me all most feel loved. I lift my head out of my thoughts to see the duck-butt I grew to hate. I locked with the shocked eyes of my old team mate.
I slowly detach my eyes from him and looked at two of ring leaders to my fall out in Konoha. They were as shocked as Sasuke, i could tell.

I didn't bother to start a conversation because I knew Sasuke was going to start questioning me. I have changed over the years. I grew my hair out to my hips, he purple diamond on my forehead is black and my height changed drastically. I grew taller and I got more curvy. If they weren't so shocked they would be drooling. Well Suigetsu all read was. I knew everything was changing but, the worst has already come right?

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