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my fist pounded agains the back of the bathroom door as i screamed, trying to hurry my little sister out of the bathroom.

"Hurry up! You do this ever morning!" I yelled.

My sister, Austin, didn't answer, so i gave up and walked back into my room.

i flopped onto my bed and laid down.

"Cameron! i'm done in the bathroom you can stop bitching." Austin said from my doorway.

she leaned against the door frame with a smirk on her face.

my eyes scanned her outfit.

"What the hell is that ?" I pointed at what she was wearing.
Almost everything she had on was black. Eyeliner was smeared underneath her eyes and a purple lipstick was coated onto her lips.

"Oh, dont you like it ? I decided to change my style since everything else in my life is changing."

the smirk fell from her face and was replaced with a frown that could have brought tears to anyones eyes.

"hey, dont be upset."

i wrapped her in a hug.

"things are going to be okay."  i whispered to her.

just a few months ago, both our parents passed away in a car crash.
since i'm old enough to be considered a guardian, she's staying in my apartment.

she pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"when?"  She asked .

"When, what ?" I asked back.

"you said things are going to be okay. when? because they sure as hell aren't okay right now."  austin answered, tears welling in her eyes.

"i don't know when, i just know they will."

austin and I both made out way to the bathroom and i helped her remove the terrible makeup from her face.

it only took a few minutes to het her back to normal.
She quickly changed from her black clothes to a pair of white shorts, a black tank top, and a red and black flannel.

as we walked out the door she slipped on her black Vans.

I, on the other hand, only had time to brush my hair.
I was still wearing my pajamas and had nothing on my feet.

i dropped her off at the front of her school, said goodbye and drove all the way home.

As i walked to the front door of my apartment , a boy about my age stood across the hall.

"nice pajamas." He said with a smile.

"Thanks." I replied.

"They're designer."  a smile escaped my lips.

"I can tell." He said back.

"I'm Kian." He said while shaking my hand.

"Cameron." I said , a full smile on my face.

"Cute name for a cute girl." He said.

"Oh stop it." I said while flipping my hair, in a joking manner.

Kian laughed.

"You're adorable."  He said.

"You're not so bad yourself."

"Hey, um, im having a couple of friends over tonight if you wanna stop by." i said to him.

"Yeah, i'll be there. See you later cameron."

and that, is how i met the love of my life

unstable - Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now