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The other factions stare at me in shock as the Dauntless cheers.
Jeanine Matthews continued as if it wasn't something that doesn't usually happen.
Once all the names are called, the Dauntless shoot out of their seats and starts running down the stairs.
A song comes to my mind when i see my father's face. Don't you worry child, is what he trying to tell me. He used to sing that song to send me to sleep. I miss days like that.
I thought that Abnegation was the only faction to use the stairs.
We twist and turn down the staircase, until we're on the base floor of the Hub. We sprint through the roads, then the Dauntless-borns start climbing their ways up to the train tracks.
I stare in disbelief. Then start climbing up a support beam with a couple of transfers behind me.
Once I reach the platform, I see the train slow down but not stop. I get ready to jump on it.
I run with the others but I pick up my pace and jump on first. Once on the train I use telekinesis to open the door.
I get in and sit down in the doorway to help the others that are struggling get on the train.

I stand up once I know that I helped all I could and leaned against the door way.
" That was very nice of you help me and others. Thank you." Says a voice from behind me and u jump turning invisible cause I know that no one is watching me.
" The names Christiana. " She says once I return again.
" Beatrice " I say.
"Oh, I know who you are," she lowers she voice and finishes with," the whole Mer community does. "
"Why I'm not special" I reply
" Yes you are. You the strongest one of us "
" Oh" I'm shocked, of course I knew i was strong but not the strongest.

" Hey let's jump I see a man dressed in black on the next roof top."
We jump together and I land fine but Christina stumbles a little.
" Told you" she mumbles and I laugh.
I walk over to the guy and dang he had got at least thirty piercings.
" What do we do now" I ask with confidence.
" Well what do we have here a Stiff with attitude" he says but loud enough for everyone to hear.
" You must jump down this hole" he says and points to the crater behind him.That seems easy enough, as long as there isn't water down there I'm all good.
" Okay can I go first?" I ask.
"Yes, go ahead"he seems startled, but he covers it quickly.
I hop onto the balcony and just jump.

A net catches me. I lay there until I feel a hand start to pull me out.
I see a man about eighteen with a crew cut and very deep blue eyes.
"What's your name?" he asks.
"B-" I almost reply but name old leads back to my family that I left behind.
The man must sense my struggle because because he says " Choose wisely, you only get to pick once"
" Tris" I say determined many past behind me, and to start over here in Dauntless.
" First jumper.Tris!" He says and holds my hand up.
I jump down the steps and wait for the others to come down.

I start to think that man up on the rooftop was not very nice. He was a meanie. Next time I see him I'll give him a piece of my mind.

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