Ms.Yuki's POV
*Beep beep beep* the nose of machines rang through my ears .
"Uhh hello?"trying to move from the stiffness I was in.
"Hi Ms.Yuki don't force yourself up,here let me help." recognizing the voice I knew it was Skylar as she placed a hand behind my back helping me sit up.
"Sky, what's going on?"
"Well Ms.Yuki as I came to find out Zozo attacked you while you were doing your rounds around the hallways on floor 2B" she spoke lifeless yet it lead me to assume that she must of been placed on heavy medication in order for her to be even out of the institution on her own.
"Help me up dear,Please I need to talk to who brought you here.."I spoke with anger from the condition she was brought in.
"Well um ..stay here I'll go get him" Sky didn't even let me finish my sentence as if she was startled or something. As she walking out I observed her body form change as if this side of Sky wasn't the same as earlier which caused me to grow curious of who I now was speaking to.
"I'm Back!"Sky spoke as she plopped on to the edge of my bed looking at me with her shimmery bambi eyes.
"Sky,what's your name?" With a puzzled look she smiled which lead to a giggle she spoke with a childish pure tone "I'm Sky silly."
"No your not,what this side of you's name?"
"Oh"looking down at her hands trying to avoid the question "It's umm well it's Ana Rose."
"Well then hello Ana Rose ,don't be scared I'm friendly."
"I know" she spoken with lighten up eyes.
"Ms.Yuki,Sky said you wanted to see me that you had awoken, how are you feeling do you want something to eat."spoke Tobby as he stumbled in ever so nervously.
"Yes Tobby I'm fire and how many times did I tell you to just call me Yui and same goes for you little one" looking in Sky's direction as she giggled at Tobby.
"Well Yui I'll go get you a sandwich from the cafeteria I'll be back in a sec."as he walked out of the doorway.
"Tobby likes Yui Tobby likes Yui!" I head Sky chanting as she jumped on the edge of the bed.
"Stop that!" I giggled but I have to admit Tobby with his slick black hair and grey eyes and cheesy smile made that dorky clumsy personality fit perfectly with him.
"Sorry Yui." "I couldn't get the sandwich the doctors said they're gonna do a check up so that means me and Sky will have to leave."
"It's fine I'll get food soon anyways hopefully soon." I giggled to inform them I was joking. "Now both of y'all come give me a hug me goodbye!" embarrassing both of them in a tight warm knit hug I let them go at the sound of a knock on the door. There stood my doctor I could tell by his posture he was in late 40's and his shrugged. "Ms.Namisan your guest have to be going now."
"Bye guys."
"Bye Yui."they spoke as they walked past the doctor and through the door.