Part 1

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Sunlight. That was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes. Her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and covered her chest. She stepped onto the warm sand of the beach and looked around. 'This is beautiful,' she thought to herself. "Look! Look!" The girl suddenly heard. She looked to her right and saw 3 girls coming towards her. "Hello, who are you?" She asked the girls curiously.
"Im Aglaea," said the smallest of the three girls. "Im Ephrosyne," said the one in the middle, and the last one said, "And Im Thalia! We are the 3 Graces! Whom might you be?"
"i am Aphrodite." She replied after a few moments. "well, Aphrodite, lets get you some clothes!" chirped Thalia excitedly.
"Clothes? What are those?" She asked, confusion rung clear in her voice.
Aglaea grabbed Aphrodite's left arm and Thalia grabbed her right, dragging the girl forward, Ephrosyne led the way. "You will see!" Aglaea replied.
After a few minutes, they reached a cave. It was decorated with flowers and other plants and Aphrodite thought that it looked just lovely. After being brought inside and sat upon a chair, the three graces started arguing.
"I think she'd look good in a sky blue!" Yelled Thalia.
''No! Lavender is obviously her color!" Retorted Ephrosyne.
Aglaea held up a piece of fabric, "Her color is obviously a light red! Dont you imbeciles know anything about style!?"
Aphrodite sat, cringing every time each of them shouted an insult. "Enough!" she yelled finally, "i look good in this color i do believe." She held up a Peach colored fabric that looked beautiful with her white skin and complimented her blue eyes perfectly.
"Oh my! That is beautiful! Simple yet elegant, i love it!" Thalia said excitedly. Aglaea took the fabric from the blonde's grasp and set to work.
When the dress was finished, Aphrodite tried it on. "Perfect," she sighed with content. The three girls stood, eyes beaming at the beautiful sight before them. "Now it's time to take you to lord Zeus!!" Thalia squealed and grabbed her arm yet again, tugging her to the mouth of the cave.
"Where is this Zeus at?" Aphrodite asked.
"Mount Olympus of course! The home of the Gods!" Ephrosyne replied, now latched onto the girl's other arm.
After a long walk, they reached a chariot led by swans. "Lets go!" shouted Aglaea. Aphrodite looked at the chariot wearily. 'How could those swans pull all four of us?' She wondered. She slowly stepped on and the last two girls jumped on behind her. "To Olympus!" The three Graces shouted, and the chariot took off. When the wheels left the ground, Aphrodite was shocked, 'well they did say Gods.'
Soon, they arrived at the magnificent palace of the Gods. All four girls stepped off and walked towards the door. "Are you ready?" Thalia asked, bouncing up and down.
She nodded in reply, and the girl opened the door. Aphrodite gasped at the sight before her. The palace was just simply breath taking. Golden blazers hung on the marble walls, little designs on the columns, and a nice little stream running all around the room. Random flowers, vines, and other plants grew on the walls, making it look like a garden. Not noticing she had stopped, she felt a tug on her arm and was dragged further into the beautiful room.
"King Zeus! We have someone for you to meet!" Shouted Aglaea. A man's voice soon replied, "yes my daughter, who is it that you have brought to me?" His voice rung with interest as he noticed his three daughters dragging a beautiful girl behind them.
"This is Aphrodite, we found her on our home Cythera." Thalia said as she pushed Aphrodite forward for Zeus to see. When he got a good look of her, he immediately sat up straight. 'Holy me, she is gorgeous!" He then proceeded to do his best sexy face and try to seduce her, though the young girl was not at all fazed by it. Aphrodite curtsied, "Hello King Zeus, I am Aphrodite. It's a Pleasure to meet you." Zeus got off his throne and walked over to her, "The pleasure is all mine," he said, kissing her hand, his eyes filled with lust. "Well, you surely are a goddess. Obviously the goddess of beauty, no?" he said, still holding onto her hand.
She pulled away, "Yes, and love."
He winked at her, "I already knew that because of the feeling i get when you're here." Aphrodite wanted to gag, but she didnt because it was rude to puke on the King of the Universe.
"I guess we should introduce you to the other gods and goddesses?" He asked.
"Yes, that would be lovely." She replied, hoping that this meant he'd stop trying to flirt. He stuck out his arm. She hesitantly took it and he led the way.
Upon entering the room, she could hear the chatter die down and feel all the eyes on her. Zeus let go of her arm and went and sat in the biggest throne. "Everyone, this is Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Now i want all of you to be nice to her. If i hear of any violence or rudeness towards her, you shall be punished. Am i understood?" Once everyone agreed, Zeus said, "okay. Now continue with you day!"
Throughout the rest of the day Aphrodite met several gods. One god, named Ares kept trying to slap her butt and used pick up lines on her, She didn't like him at all. When she finally escaped all of the commotion, she sat on a bench outside. Aphrodite sat in silence and watched the water in the fountain pour down. Suddenly there was a small scuffling noise then a tap on her shoulder.
She turned around and heard the stranger say, "Hi." in a low voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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