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In the dark room a woman struggles and pulls at the restraints. She would scream but a rope gag prevents her from doing so. She jumps when the door opens. A man walks in and smirks at the woman.

"My love...I really regret doing this to you...but it has to happen." He said stroking the strawberry blonde hair. "I really do hope that this doesn't hurt as much as you think it will." Without another second a sharp blade is stabbed into the woman's gut. She gasps and looks deep into his eyes. The green eyes lose the life in them and she is dead.

The man moves her hair away before he took the knife and carved a 'X' in her skin.


Harry Styles woke up slowly and looked around his surroundings. He looked over and his memory hit him fast seeing a sleeping blonde. "Oh yeah..." He said quietly with a smirk. He carefully got up and walked away from the bed.

He dressed quickly and left the girl to sleep in her bed. He had fun and all but he didn't need her.

He exited the apartments and walked out into the cool crisp autumn air, stuffing his hands in his jacket. He walked to the nearest cafe and sighed in content.


Harry was sipping away on a chai tea watching the news casually. The area around him wasn't too rushed but not too slow. Harry didn't mind it made him happy and content.

Someone sat beside him and he didn't acknowledge him continuing to sip his tea. "You know Harry it isn't polite to ignore." A familiar voice said. Harry sighed and looked to his cup.

"How are you Alec?" He asked before glancing to him after a few seconds. Alec gave him a smile and ordered himself a tea when the barista asked him.

"I should ask you how you're doing." He said.

"Fine." Harry answered simply. "There's a reason you're here isn't there?" Harry asked getting to the point

Alec gave him a sigh before he spoke. "You're needed." He said

"I told you I don't work for you anymore." He said looking to him simply

"I know I know...but this is a serious problem that we need your help." He said. Harry glared to him and rolled his eyes

"I think its amusing that when you can't solve a case you turn to me...and I always solve it." He said with an amused smirk.

"That's why I need you Harry." He said. Harry rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. "It's a serial killer." Alec said which made Harry stop and look to Alec.

"How many are dead?" He asked biting his lip.

"6 including the one today." He said. Harry sighed and contemplated for a second before he sighed.

"Fine..." He groaned. Alec smiled and patted his back. Alec led him to his car and the two drove off.


Harry's observant green eyes looked the body up and down. The woman was almost nude with her bras and parties being the only thing covering her up. The cops and other members watched as Harry did his thing.

After a while Harry stood up. "From what I can see the woman is in her 20's. She seemed to have a struggle at first, but was soon restricted based on the bruises and rope burns on her wrists. Then she was obviously stabbed but by a switchblade which was also used to make that mark...do you know what that mark means?" He asked turning to Alec.

Alec was used to having Harry know this much information. Some cops were a bit shocked but they got over it soon enough. "No but its on every other victim he's had."

"Then this is his thing." Harry said with a giddy smile. "do you know who she is?" He asked

"Lab is working on fingerprints." Alec said.

"That takes too long." Harry said with an eye roll.

"Its what we got Harry." He said. Harry shrugged it off. "Am I done here?"

"Not yet..." He said. He turned slightly away from Harry. "Malik!" He shouted. A raven haired boy looks his way and walks over.

Harry observed the boy, he wasn't tall but he was lean. He had brown eyes with some of the best eyelashes. And the facial hair fit him real well as it basically fit the shape of it. "Yes sir?" He asked

"Styles and you are partners for this case." He said simply before beginning to walk off.

"Woah...Alec...you never said anything about partners..." Harry said looking away from Zayn and now to him.

"You agreed to work this case Harry...you do as I say." Alec said with a warning look. Harry rolled his eyes and nodded

Alec nodded and left the two. Harry groaned a bit and looks to Zayn. "Listen...I'm gonna tell you this straight up...don't get in my way." Harry said with a growl. Zayn looked to him with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle. "What's so funny."

"The fact you think I care about your ego. Here's the deal Mr. Styles I'm doing my job and that's all it is to me. This isn't a competition and all it is a case that is needing solved. So I'm telling you this right now...if you don't take this seriously, I will put you in your place." He said before he walked off causing Harry to stare at him with a shocked look.

After a while he rolled his eyes and stormed off the other way.

A/N This sucks but eh enjoy

Anywho comment: #newzarrystory if you enjoyed this chapter


Katie xx

The Hit and Run // Zarry (Short Story) ✔Where stories live. Discover now