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Harry stared down at the dead girl with an angry expression on his face. This was the 8th body and Harry new this was out of control. He heard someone walk over and he continued to stare at the body when Zayn stopped and stood by him.

"I'm surprised you're here before I am." Zayn said. Harry only smirked and looked to Zayn.

"I didn't want you nagging me anymore detective Zayn." He said. Zayn rolled his eyes with what do you know a smirk. It quickly went away and Zayn focused on the body again. He knealed down beside the body and sighed.

"She has bruises on her wrists." Harry said. "Like the last one." Harry said. Zayn looked up and then looked to the wrists. Sure enough purplish bruises were highly evident.

"I wonder...I'm gonna call the morgue." Zayn said getting up. "Oh and be ready...you're coming with." He said before walking off. Harry scrunched his nose up. But he shrugged it off. His phone then rang and Harry answered it without thinking.

"Hello?" He answered still examining the body.

"HARRY STYLES!!!! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!! IVE BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT-" Harry hung up the phone and bit his lip. He had to think who that would of been. He shrugged it off when Zayn came back.

"Let's go." He said.

"Give me a second." Harry said. "I need one more look over the body." Harry said bending down. Zayn sighed and watched.

"How long is it gonna take." He said.

"I'm done." Harry said leaving and walking off to the car. Zayn watched him with a glare before he followed him off.


"Niall." Zayn said walking into the morgue. The blonde boy in the scrubs looked up from his clipboard and he smiled.

"Ah Zayn." He said. Niall's attention turned to Harry who was looking around the morgue. "You must be Harry." Niall said holding his hand out.

Harry looked over and he smiled slightly before shaking his hand. "And you're Niall." He said with a small smile. "Now let's see those bodies." He said and walked off to the main room.

Niall glanced to Zayn with a curious look and Zayn just shook his head before following him.

Soon enough bodies were on tables. "The first two victims had been sent away for the funeral." Niall stated. Harry nodded and he looked to each of the women

Zayn and Niall watched as Harry eyed each of them. It didn't take long before Harry looked to Niall. "Can I see the medical records?" Niall nodded and ran off quickly

"What did you find?" Zayn asked. Harry glanced to Zayn and then back to the nearest corpse. "Every serial killer has a repetitive victim." Harry said.

"Everyone knows that." Zayn said. Harry looked to him with a glare.

"Let me finish." He said. Zayn shut his mouth before Harry pointed to the woman's wrist. "What do you see there?" Harry asked

Zayn looked over and furrowed his eyebrows. "It looks like a tattoo of some sort."

"Right." Harry said with a smile. "Now look at this girls wrist." Zayn followed Harry as he walked over and he pointed again. And there was the same tattoo.

"They all have the same tattoo." Zayn states. Harry nods. "So why did you need the medical records?" Zayn asked.

"Because the tattoo resembles a certain business." He said. Then Niall was coming back and he gave him the records. Harry nodded and he looked through.

"What business?" Zayn asked

"It's a club. Not just any club. Its a strip club." He said. Harry pulled out his phone and took some pictures of the reports.

"What's the name of this club?" He asked.

"Kings and Queens." He said. Zayn then knew what he was talking about. "You know who owns it right?" Harry asked. Zayn nodded, he knew damn well.


"Oi! What are you doing just standing around get to work you fooking loser." The boss or Louis Tomlinson snapped at one of his jumpers. Louis groaned when the big man apologized and hurried off. "I swear you'd think a big boy like that would have a bigger brain." He said before he adjusted his jacket.

He walked out to the room where the people would soon be walking in and he stopped when he saw two men walking in. He laughed at that.

"Gentleman! What crime did I commit this time?" He asked walking over." Louis asked. Zayn glared at him and Harry only stared at him.

"We need to talk about your girls." Zayn said.

Louis rose his eyebrows before he lead them to his office. Louis sat in his big swivel chair and leaned back. "Whats up."

Harry pulled out pictures and laid them out. Louis rose an eyebrow and he looked at each one of them. "Haven't seen them in a while."

"Well they're dead so." Zayn said. Louis looked up with a surprised look.

"Dead?" He asked.

"Each one of them." Harry said. "They each have a tattoo. Which this tattoo is what every stripper gets." Harry said.

"Well I didn't kill them." Louis said. His cocky demeanor was suddenly washed away.

"We never said you did tough guy." Zayn said. Louis looked to him and bit his lip. "Anything you want to tell us?"
"No." Louis said with a shake of his head.

"A little quick to answer hm?" Harry said. Louis looked to him with a glare.

"Listen gentleman. I don't appreciate this." He said standing up "Now if you would please leave and get off my fucking property..."

Harry rolled his eyes and stopped him. "If you don't fucking settle down you'll be taken into custody."

Louis gaped at him and looked to Zayn. "Is he allowed to do that?" He asked. Zayn nodded and Louis growled at them both.

"Fine!" He snapped. "Each one of those girls always lap danced on the same guy before they disappeared. I don't know who he was but he had a baseball cap on the whole time." He said.

Zayn looked to Harry. "We should keep an eye out tonight." He said. Harry smirked to him.

"Well guess we can do some undercover work then Mr. Malik." He said. Harry eyed him for a bit. "Not in those."

"What?" Zayn asked confused.

"You'll need a makeover." Harry said. Zayn groaned. How fun.

A/N God I love sassy Louis :)

Any who comment: #clubownerlouis if you enjoyed this chapter

Also vote and that stuff x


Katie xx

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