ch.7Mikaru and Devin's first day

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Makaylas Pov
I dragged Mikaru to school. She struggled and kept trying to leave.
"Mikaru!! Come on education is important!! I said pulling her laughing.
"Noo!!!"She said jokingly.
"But your senpai Grain will be there?"I said. She blushed.
"Shut up!!"she yelled at me.
"Fine but remember if you need help I can help you."I told her as we walked in the store. I saw Sam and ran up. He kissed me on the cheek wich made me blush.
"Haha. I got you to blush!"he said proudly.
"N-no shut up!!"I said blushing harder.
"Still looks like I'm winning!"he said still teasing.
"You know I can break up with you."I said jokingly.
"No please!!I'm sorry!!"he looked at me with puppy eyes.
"How could I say no to you."I said.
Taurtis started yelling to us.
"Are you 2 going to sit there or come to school?"
"Coming!"I said grabbing Sam's hand and walking to school. When I turned around I saw a tomato red Sam.
"Awww did I make you blush?"I said teasing.
"N-no." he said trying to hide it.
"Yeah sure."I said giving him a quick kiss before class.
Mrs.Okami started the lesson.
"Okay class now today we get to pick partners for a project. I have bucket of names with everyone in it. You may switch but only if the other person wants to also. Makayla would you like to pull names?" Mrs.Okami asked me.
"Sure!"I replied cheerfully.
I thought to myself. "Haha now I can sabotage and Make Grain with Mikaru. I smiled devilishly.
I pulled out 2 names
"Sam you will be with.... me!"I said. He looked at me giving me a smile.
"Grain you're with .....Mikaru!"I said. Mikaru gave me an angered and thankful look.
"Taurtis you're with......Devin!"I said. Taurtis blushed and so did she.
In my head:MWAHAHA!!!!My plan worked!
After everyone else was called....
•~•~••~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~••~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ I heard Yuki from behind me.
"Makayla I talked to Mrs.Okami and she said that sense my name wasnt in there I could work with you and Sam." I was sad that I wasn't alone with Sam but happy that I could hang with Yuki.
"Well...I guess I dosent matter sense Sam and I are datin-"before I could finish Yuki fangirled.
"OMG OMG OMG OMG YOU ARE DATING SAM!!!!!!YAS MY SHIP SAILED I HAVE TO POST THIS ON FUMBLER!!!!!!she said dragging me to Sam and taking a picture of us.
"What was that for?"Sam asked.
"I told her about us and she fangirled..." I explained.
"Sounds like her." Sam said with a laugh. Suddenly are phones went off with a caption that said "#SAM×MAKAYLA'S SHIP SAILED XDXDXDXD!!!!!!"
I looked at Sam and he looked at me as we laughed. Then the bell rang for lunch.
We went down stairs and a girl with a beard came up to me.
"Hi I'm Invader!!! I was wondering if you would switch partners with me!!"she said cheerfully.
"Oh I'm sorry. But I actually want to keep my partners again sorry."I said trying to be nice. She walked away with a smile but I could tell she WAS NOT happy.
"Hmm....I wonder why she asked me?"my thought but was interrupted by Mikaru jumping excited.
"GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!!!"she said screaming in my ear.
"WHAT!!!!"I said mimicking her. She calmed down.
"I asked Mrs.Okami and she said we could do one big group if we wanted!"she said jumping.
"Yay!!!"I said hugging her. She looked at me serious.
"I missed you so much so PLEASE don't be mad for me doing this?" She asked. I nodded and gave her a hug. Then the lunch bell rang. I quickly ate and ran to gym. Sam and I waited sense we had to practice. Devin,Mikaru,and Grain look confused.
I explained how we where forced but made shore they new we where having fun to.
"ALRIGHT MAGGOTS TIME TO RUN LAPS!!!!EXCEPT FOR YOU 2 STAY HERE AND PRACTICE!!!!!!"the students groaned and ran off with Rowan and Okami.
"Does that guy ever talk normal?"I said trying to get my ear to work. Sam laughed and we began to practice.
"Okay I think we're ready to do it all together."I said cheerfully.
"Good cause gym is almost over."Sam said panting. We began to dance but this time at the bow Sam kissed me and when we finished I saw that girl staring at me.
"It's something wrong?" Sam asked.
"This girl with a beard keeps staring at me."I said.
"Oh don't mind her she just has a crush on me."he said.
"Do you like her back?"I asked disappointment in my voice.
"Of course not!! I like you."he said kissing me on the forehead.
"Oh so I see you didn't miss this time?" I said teasing Sam.
"Hey!!!That was an accident!!!"he said blushing.
"I'm winning..."I said kissing his cheek. Which made him blush more. The bell rang and we went to freshen up before we started again. That girl Invader came to me with anger in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Invader but Sam and I are dating I hope we can still be friends though?"I asked. She shot me a look that said 'not going to happen'. Then stormed off.
"So I guess I should try and avoid her."I thought as I waited for Sam. I decided to sing a bit while I stretched.
"I got all I need when I got you and I.
Look around me and see your sweet light.
Stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight.
Carry me carry me threw the night-"
I turned around to see all my friends applading this time.
"Y-y-you guys l-listened a-a-again!!!"I said fearfull and blushing.
"Yep,oh and looks like I'm winning now!"Sam said standing proud.
"Ugh.I hate you so much."I said
"I know I love you to." Sam said teasing me.

What do you guys think so far I'm running out of ideas comment some and if I use it I will give you credit. Thx again Mikaru_Heart_Chan for letting me have collaboration with you!! She made Makayla have an appearance in her version :D I definitely recommend checking it out anyway thank you guys for reading and hope you enjoyed.Bye!!!!!!

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