Prologue (part 1): Zorphite

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"Two minutes until we're on air!" Jodie, the producer, shouted.

The two anchors where sitting behind the desk. One of them was a slim, African American woman. She was in her late 20s and her black hair was up in a pony tail. She was in a blue suit jacket with a white shirt. She looked up at the ceiling as a makeup artist did her maskira. Beside her was a caucasian man in his early 40s. His blonde hair was done in a way that he looked like the physical embodiment of the 50s. He was attempting to read a book while another makeup artist was working on his cheeks. He eventually gave up and handed the book to an assistant.

The makeup artists steadily worked on them, stopping every now and then to admire their work. The crew where rushing around the studio to their positions and the cameras where trained on the anchors.

"Half a minute!!" Announced the producer. The makeup artist took one last look at their masterpiece before rushing out of the camera's shot. The intro roled and the anchors got ready. Jodie counted down with her fingers before signaling to start.





"Good morning. I'm Sarah."

"And I'm Adam."

"And we have a very special guest for you guys today. This one man has saved thousands of lives with his cure for cancer." Sarah said.

"We now present to you, the mind behind the wonder drug known as zorphite, Zachariah Hartman Zorphite!" Adam stated.

"We now go over to Emily!!"

The camera swapped over to a lady and a man sitting in a different room. Emily, a fairly young ginger lady with long and curly hair and wearing a green dress with blue flower designs, sat in a large, brown cushioned chair with her legs crossed waiting for the delayed cue. The man, undoubtedly Zachariah, sat across from Emily in a similar chair. He was a fairly older man in his 50s but with very little wrinkles on his face. His white hair and over all apperance was similar to that of Art Alexakis. He was in a black tux with a red shirt. He'd taken off his jacket and laid it in the back of the chair and sat leaned back in the chair waving to someone on the live audience in front of them.

The crowd cheered and Emily smiled, "Thank you, Sarah! Welcome everyone and welcome Zachariah! How are you this lovely morning?"

"I'm pretty swell, thank you. I can honestly say, its been a bit of a hectic morning though. I didn't realize I'd set my alarm for pm and not am." Zachariah said in his strong British accent. The crowd erupted into laughter and Emily chuckled and Zachariah smiled.

"I can tell that had to have been a pain." Emily laughed.

"You have no clue."

More laughter from the crowd.

"So tell us a little bit about your cure for cancer. How does it work?"

"It's actually quite simple. A series of injections to the cranium are done. A chemical is injected into the brain that encourages the brain to create a substance which it distributes through the body to neutralize and contain cancerous cells. Once the cells are under control, the brain continues to create this substance and so after one treatment, you will never have to suffer from cancer again."

The crowd roared in excitement. "Wow. That is truly amazing. Though the injections sound like it would be extremely painful." Emily said in suprise.

"Not at all actually. The patient is hevily sedated and the procedure is done in the most delicate and painless manure." Zachariah explained.

"That is truly amazing. What's the success rate?"

"100 percent."

"Really?! That's amazing!"

"It really is, isn't it. And it's only the beginning of the amazing advancements we can and will make in the medical field!" Zachariah stated and, with that, the crowd erupted once more into cheering and aplause.

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