It was an accident! I swear!

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The thick tendrils of smoke curled under the gap in the door. The great orange flames licked at the wood, as if asking for a taste. Not that it would take 'No' for an answer. Just as I would, (just not with wood, maybe a nice pizza... mmm..) the flames greedily ate the A-Frame house.


A shrill WEE-WOOOH-ing sound pierced the panicked silence, and heavy beams of light sliced through the dense fog that had settled around the depressing seen. The only light came from the flames, head-lights, and the occasional scattered light. The bright flames reflected off of the gleaming fire truck as it came around the corner. Men in beige suits came rushing out of the large red vehicle. The reflector strips gleamed. They flooded the house with water. The fire was out. But the memories would stay forever.

HOLY SHIT. I jolted off of my pillow and scrambled out of the covers, with a wildly beating heart. The sweat made my flannel pajamas cling to my body. Gross.

"Riles! You okay up there?" I heard my brother, Devin, yelled at me from across the dark hallway.

"YOUR ON THE SAME FREAKIN' FLOOR AS I AM" I screamed back at him. My rapidly pounding heart slowed down. As an afterthought, I answered his question. "Yeah, thanks Dev, just another nightmare."

"Wanna come sleep in my room?" I heard the concern in his voice. I had been getting horrible nightmares of that night for months, ever since the incident.

"Thanks, but I'm going to have to deny that offer. We both need our sleep, and afterall, I have my history test tomorrow. And you need your sleep tomorrow, its your big game!" I was referring to his play-off baseball game that I would (hopefully) be attending tomorrow. {A/N- Any baseball fans out there? Who's your favorite team?}


A/N- Im going to Montana for 13 days (:0) so Im going to post this very small part now. I will have more when I come back, but I will have no WIFI up there :I ROAADDTRIPPP!

Have a nice dayyy!

Comments please :D

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