Chapter 3

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Geez, I took way to long to update ;( Sorry about that! I will try to update once a week

I will try to post her outfit on the side, don't know how successful I will be though c(; 

Love xxx


I woke up with the sun shining through my large window. The bright light broke through the barrier of my billowing curtains, and splashed onto my face. I groaned half-heartedly and rolled over on my bed. Or so I thought. I crashed down, smacking my nose on my bed-side table on the way down. Groaning pathetically, I struggled to un-do myself from the cocoon of blankets I had trapped myself in. As soon as I slumped onto the floor (finally free of my blanket prison), I yawned and stretched my arms.

"Ow!" I muttered softly as I banged my funny bone on the table. Sucking air through my teeth, I got up, shaking my arm as I went as if trying to get rid of the echoing sensation in my arm. I lumbered across the room -still half asleep- and picked a random top and jeans from my IKEA dresser. I threw the articles on the bed and walked down the hall into the bathroom. I washed my face and rapidly brushed my hair, trying to get all the tangles out. I picked up my toothbrush. Should I brush my teeth before breakfast of not? That is the question.

Deciding not to, I hurridly pulled on my jeans and shirt. After sliding on a pair of dirty cream colored vans and spritzing a little perfume on, I checked my full-length mirror that hung on my light yellow walls. Eeeh. Not to bad for just pulling out clothes. Looking out the window, I decided on wearing a light jacket(just because I can).

As soon as I descented the wooden staircase, the smell of Poptarts wafted into my nostrils. Followed the scent of toasting toaster strudels like a bloodhound. Turning the corner to walk into the slightly cramped kitchen, I spotted my older brother Devin studying at the table.

"So..." I stated as I hung out by the doorway.

"Whatsup Riles?"

I laugh lightly at the nick-name he gave me all those years ago. I don't remember it since I was a baby, but I have heard stories from my relatives. Apparently Devin wasn't able to say 'Riley' as a toddler. But he did manage to pronounce 'Riles', and it stuck.

"I smelled Poptarts coming down, but other than that, not much. How about you?"

"Yeah, its fine. I really don't want to go to school tomorrow though-"

He stopped talking as he eyed me approaching the toaster. The poptarts had just popped up, signaling they were done toasting. He slowly rose out of his chair, and I slowly inched towards the counter which held the toaster. Devin lunged, grabbed the toaster while simultaneously yanking out the plug and twirling past me. He lept up the stairs, one after another, laughing loudly as he glance back at my astonished face. Who just grabs a toaster?


Kind of a cute scene hopefully? I don't know xP Sorry if its short, its getting late and I have school tomorrow (but no poptarts ;(

I will try uploading her outfit/////

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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