Changkyun / I.M

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(Y/N is going to be Yuha for this part)

"You are going to be fine. Don't worry." 

You comfort your boyfriend, I.M, as he is getting ready for his stage. Jooheon, Hyungwon, and I.M. are almost next to preforming together. You have heard Changkyun rap Interstellar many times, so you know he is going to do great. He smiles at you, but you see him trembling in his eyes. 

You look at Jooheon and whisper, "Please help." 

Jooheon and Hyungwon nod and they walk towards Changkyun. Jooheon says, "Though we have not been great teammates, let's do well and debut altogether. You are going to be fine I.M." 

Hyungwon nods in agreement and replies, "Let's go get ice cream in the lobby afterwards. Even if we do a terrible job, to the point where we would have to preform with no music, you will do great." 

Changkyun thanks them both and you start to tear up. You know how hard I.M been suffering throughout No Mercy and his disbandment with his former group. You know he is going to do great things in the future. He sees you crying and he walks up and hugs you gently. He says, "Baby, don't cry now. Just look at me though, okay Yuha?" 

You laugh and nod. He releases you from the hug, with the staff signaling him that he is now on camera as well as need to get ready on the stage. He waves goodbye and so the other members, and you nod and wave back as well. He then turns around and sends you a heart signal and you start to laugh as the rest of the staff members lead you to the space in the front to see I.M. 

Everyone is shouting for Changkyun, cheering, "I.M! I.M!" You smile and put up a sign that says, "ChangKyun <3" 

The stage is now starting and Jooheon comes out and starts to rap as well as the other dancers. (Watch video above)


You cry and cheer as I.M and the rest of the members walk down the stage. He has finished his Interstellar and also his No Exit performance. You run to him and hug him as tight as you can. He is panting and sweating as he is just finished his performance before going back up on stage in 5-7 minutes. 

Changkyun leads you out of stage and camera sight. He looks at you and puts his hands around your jaw, lifts your face with his finger, and kisses you. You both kiss passionately before releasing him. You say, "You got this, Kyun-ah. Do your best. Even if they don't pick you to be number one, you are my number one." 

He smiles and hugs you close. He replies, "Thanks. You are always my top as well." 

He backs up and jokes, "You got more greasy with your words, you know that right? Makes me wanna cringe Yu-Ah yah." 

You hit him on the shoulder then peck on the cheek and reply, "Thanks for making me like this Kyun-ah." He holds your hand for the last time and Kihyun finds you both to get Changkyun back up on stage. 


Aww, I used the No Mercy because I bawled up when I saw Changkyun giving his best and winning that spot in Monsta X. I am such a strong Monbebe LOL. 

Oh and how do you like the new way of author's note? I think this is more organized lol, I'm going to forget to do it everytime but I will try to follow it ! 

Like I said before, you MUST COMMENT who you want and what plot you would like to read for the next parts or else I will not do it! I know it sounds strict and stuff but I don't have any ideas, and I don't like to re-use other writers' ideas. It would be nice if an idea and character from the readers gave me an idea so that I can try to write and make it more special and unique. I will NOT be posting on this until someone does, so don't be shy and post who you would like!!! Thanks so much everyone for liking and reading this !!! 


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