Alex's POV:
Can't wait until Claudia gets here! I haven't seen her in the longest. But Imma be with her at school next year when Im a freshman and shes a Senior. Im still young. And Im just a little girl compared to Liam. Last night through out the entire movie all me and him did was talk. I got to know him so well. We werent even paying attention. Only in some of the scary parts, were I would jump and he would just laugh at me. But other than that we werent really paying attention. I honestly do have a crush on Liam. I can't lie about that. Liam was just so dreamy. Hes so mature for his age and yet he can still be fun to be around. Did I mention we fell asleep in each others arms last night? Well yeah we did, and I had an amazing sleep. The last thing I remembered from last night was him telling me "Goodnight Beautiful" and then kissing my forehead. I think he was just faking it and just trying to be nice, but Im getting a feeling he meant it. He probably doesnt even feel the same. I sighed at that sad thought.
Alright enough day dreaming about him. I have to get ready for when Claudia gets here. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. Fuck, I left my towel on my bed. I went back into my room and I saw Liam looking at my pictures and memories on my wall.
"Hey Liam." I must of startled him with that cause he jumped a little. I giggled to myself.
"Hey, sorry I was just looking around." He said while looking down.
"Its okay, dont worry about it." I smiled as I got closer to him. He looked up and the next thing I knew we were right infront of each other and he was looking straight down at me into my eyes. I was getting butterflies in my stomach. Our faces started getting closer and closer. Then our lips met, this may sound cheesy but its like if our lips were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. He put his tounge to my lips to ask for entrance, which I gladly let him.
I was getting sparks through out my entire body. I can honestly say that I liked Liam Payne. My arms were around his neck and I was playing with his hair, while his arms were around my waist. He pulled away and we both looked down before he said.
"Im sorry. I just really like you and I couldnt help myself." He said while looking at me. You were able to hear he was really sorry. Wait what he say?!
"Wait you like me?" I was in complete shock.
Liam's POV:
Wow I can't believe I was kissing her. This kiss was honestly one of the best. I had sparks flying through out my entire body. She was running her fingers through my hair. Man I really wanted this moment to last forever. Wait? But did she feel the same? I have to pull away even though I dont want to. I have to find out if she feels the same.
"Im sorry. I just really like you and I couldnt help myself." I honeslty was sorry. I looked at her and her eyes were big.
"Wait you like me?" she said shocked.
I looked down and rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah... And a lot actually." I looked up at her and her mouth was wide open. "Its okay if you dont like me.. We'll just pretend like it never happened." I just looked down, I couldnt bare looking at her thinking she might not feel the same.
"L-Liam," she started off, great here comes the 'I dont feel the same', "I like you too. And a lot." What?! I looked up at her and she was looking down at the floor blushing. I can't explain this feeling, I was just so happy! I lifted her face to look at me in the eyes.
"Alexandra, do you wanna go out with me?" Her eyes lit up and she was smiling.
"Yes!" that just topped of everything. I was just extremely happy. I grabbed her face gently and kissed her again. I wanted to take take things slow with her though. We just met literally yesterday but I didnt care because I really liked her and this past day me and her got extremely close and we knew a lot of things about each other for just a short time.
We pulled back from the kiss. And we just looked at each other smiling. Man she was beautiful and she was mine.
"I dont want to ruin our moment, but I have to go take a shower and get ready for when my cousin gets here." she said.
"Alright, babe." I said. She blushed and grabbed her towel and went into the bathroom.
I was just so happy. Everything was finally going into place. I wonder what the lads are going to think of this? Im not going to tell them until Alex and I are ready to tell them.
Aww that was a cute moment that they had :). And they are finally dating! Thats so cute ^.^
If you're reading from here. Go to my profile, click on my works and read Stuck Between Two (Niall Horan and Prince Royce Fanfic). Because of the whole Zayn leaving the band I couldn't continue from Zayns point of view, but I really want to write. So I'm changing it Niall. And I suggest you guys to read it from the beginning please. Cause Im taking a character out and putting a new one in. Thank you guys. I love you ❤❤

ФанфикBrenda is just a normal teenager. Shes average, nothing really special about her. She was 5'1 with not too short and not long curly hair. But she has a passion for singing, no one knows about this. She always kept it to herself cause of what people...