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I've always liked Natalie but it's usually always been as a friend. But this summer I felt a different feeling around Natalie I think I like her like more than a friend she dosen't know yet. No one does except the boys  I really like her and we've only know each other for a year and a half and I don't know how she would react to it. I'm tying to find a way to ask her on a date or just tell her because it's killing me not being able to tell her. I just hope she likes me back. I always get nervous around her and I feel like I gives it away. And I feel so stupid for kissing her when I walked her home because now she might know. And it's hard to know what she's feeling because she dosent show her emotions. As I got to my house I opened the door and no one was home they must still be at school I thought to myself. I walked to the fridge and I got some food and I made myself a sandwich. After that I got on my phone and texted Luke

A: hey I think I did something bad

L: what did you do are you in jail?
A: No I.....I walked Natalie home and then I kissed her forehead then I left I just said bye
L: finally!!! you haven't made any moves. This was a small one but it was a good start. You just need to man up and make a move if she dosent like you than that's her loss.
A: thx bro. Idk I'm just worried what if she dosent want to be Friends with me anymore?
L: well dude that'll be her loss.

As I read Luke's last text it made me think about how I was going to tell her and when if I even wanted to tell her. I just don't know how.

Natalie POV
As I got to my room I charged my phone went back down stairs to get some food And I  saw my mom and brother in the living room my mom had fallen asleep. "Hey" I said quietly to my brother because my mom was alseep "hey" he said back "so....I saw that Ashton walked you home what's up with that?" Danny said "oh um well it's not like he hasn't walked me home before he's one of my best friends Dan" I said with a little bit of and attitude I didn't mean to I was just confused about how I felt about Ashton like I already knew hat I loved him but as a very close friend I haven't ever thought about Ashton as a boyfriend but ever since this morning he's been acting a little weird.
As I walked back up to my room Calum texted me and told me that he was thinking about asking Caroline out on a date, I knew she liked him and he liked her but they've both been too scared to ask each other out.
I give him some advice and tell him to just be nice and to be straight forward with her .
I put my phone back on my nightstand and just stare at the ceiling thinking about Ashton...I just don't get why I keep thinking about if I see him more than a friend. It's like ever since today I've thought about him in a different way and Im scared that if I do like him more than a friend he won't feel the same way. And I don't want to like him but I think I do... Oh shit....

That night after I was done with my homework I changed out of my regular clothes and got into some pj's
And wiped off my makeup ready to go to bed. Then I get a text from Ashton
A: "hey:)"
I read his text and I was trying to think of what to say I mean now that I like him I needed to watch what I said because I really don't want him to know.
N: "hey:)" I responded
A: "what's up?"
N:"oh nothing much"
N:"what about you?"
A:" nothing"
He read it and then he didn't respond
That was the awkwardest conversation I have ever had with him after that I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up late and got ready as fast as I could I looked like a train wreck but when don't I , after I got to school I saw the group and we all started talking i said hi to the girls and then the guys Ashton was last surprisingly. He usually always says hi to me first but I guess not I wonder what's going on with him.

I pull the girls to the side "hey guys so I think I need to tell you something...."so I don't want to keep secrets from you guys and...I like Ashton..." I said barley audible "WHATT??!!" They basicly all said at the same time. "I know we're like best friends and it's so weird" I responded. I hate that I have to like him, and it sucks because i know I'll never have a chance with him. And I don't want to like him but I do, I just don't want this to mess up our relationship so I need to push my feelings away.

  We had At least 10 minuets before school started so we just hung out, then this boy that looked about our age who ha brown hair and brown eyes who was taller then me came up to us "hey, I new to this school and j was wondering where room 215 was that's my first period, could any of you guys help me?" He asked " oh I'm in room 215 first period I'll take you" I said "what's your name?" Luke asked  "oh sorry my name is Dylan what about you guys?" "I'm Ashton, I'm Luke, I'm Calum, I'm Michael but you can call me Mikey, I'm Caroline, I'm Evan, I'm Kayla,... Oh and I'm Natalie but you can call me Nat" we all said

I have to admit the new guy is so cute like he has such amazing hair and he's tall and he has a cute nose and yeah he seems super nice too. After the bell rang Ashton , Calum, Caroline and I walked Dylan to our first period. We were all laughing and Dylan was hilarious he almost made me pee my pants he was telling us how he got that little scar on his arm. But then I let Calum talk to him and I went to say hi to Ashton to try to make things less awkward "hey" I said "hey" he said sounding pissed off " what's wrong?" I said "nothing, just leave me alone go talk to your new fucking friend seems like he'd be a better friend than me huh?" That's all he said and then he left and took the other route to first period I don't know what the hell was wrong with him but I'm not going to apologize for trying to make the new guy welcome he can go get pissy all he wants. As we arrived to first period Mrs.grey asked if I could let Dylan copy my notes so he knew where we were in the chapter which wasn't that far considering that school started yesterday. So he sat in front of me  Dylan was super nice and funny I was having trouble concentrating because he kept on making jokes, it got to the point where I laughed so hard that  I almost peed my pants and I let out this weird noise. Ashton rose his hand and said "mrs.grey I'm trying to concentrate on my notes but some people are being too loud" he gave me this look as he said it I swear he's so ant some times but oh well like I said Im not going to apologize for hanging out with Dylan he's not the boss of me.
When the lunch bell rang I invited Dylan to sit with us Dylan sat next to me and Luke they were talking and making some really funny jokes I was just talking to Caroline, Evan and Kayla we were talking about how mrs. gives us way too much homework.

After 7th period Dylan and I exchanged numbers "text me later Nat" he said "ok bye" I said after that I walked home and started on my homework. After that my parents called me down for dinner.

At around 6:40 Dylan texted me during dinner but he kept sending texts and wouldn't stop my phone wouldn't stop ringing and I got really embarrassed "um may I be excused?" I ask " um sure but be back soon nat" my mom said I read his texts and he was being really cute. I just said that I had to finish dinner and that I would text him later. I can't wait too text him later.

AN: thank you guys for reading this book!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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