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  Natalie's POV
After I got dressed in my black halter top and some tights and my white converse I curled my hair with my curling wand because I actually had energy to do my hair after that I did my make up witch wasn't really that much just some mascara some concealer and some winged eye liner. I got my backpack ready and I went down stairs and sat at the island I was greeted by my 5 sisters and my older brother then by my parents my brother Danny was in senior year and I was the oldest sister which meant that my mom had 7 children and I don't know how she did it I would go crazy. Anyway after my sisters were practically yelling about how exited the all were for their first day of (2 at middle school and 3 at elementary) school. My brother and I said good bye to our parents who were making breakfast and we got into his car. While we were on our way to school a thousand miles came on and we rolled down the windows and started screaming "making my way downtown walking fast" and we just couldn't continue because we were dying of laughter. I would say that Danny and I have a pretty good relationship he's a pretty cool brother also very protective of his 6 sisters. Once we got to school he got out of the car and I got out very slowly I was still kinda nervous because j was walking into a new version of hell. But Danny grabbed my by my shoulder gently and said "Nat it's going to be ok just listen to the teachers don't get into trouble and don't talk to boys" I chuckled at what he said and relaxed a bit then I see the 3 most important people of my life and run up to them imidiatly and grab them up in a group hug we haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks because we've been busy. " I missed you guys so much" I said they all said that they missed me too "he so um...guys I have some bring to say...you know Michael and I started dating last week he asked me out and we went on a date I think I really like him" Kayla said blushing "OMG that's so awsome" evan said
"I knew it was going to happned he acted so different around you congrats" Caroline said "I'm so happy for u Kayla I wish you guys the best" I said "So are you guys ready for a new level of hell?" I said chuckling a bit we all just laughed and walked in "hey have you guys seen the boys?" I asked "no Michael said that they were going to be a bit late" Kayla said  us and the boys were like best friends we all got along and we were like a big family. I'm really glad that we got to know them last year and that we became friends. As we walk down the hall I see Vanessa she was kind of like the "queen bee" of the school but for me she was like the "mega bitch" of the school to be honest she was a slut she has basically  slept with half he boys in our grade and she usually is never single. I feel bad for all the boys that date her because they usually end up getting their hearts broken min the end. We pass her and then we see the boys we all basically run to each other and hug one another obviously Kayla runs to Michael and hugs him because their dating but Caroline, Evan, and I just see the boy were closest too and hug them. The closest boy to me was Calum so I hug him Calum and I are kinda like best friends like he's one of my best guy friends Ashton is my other best guy friend. Luke and  I talk and were cool but I just get along with Calum and Ashton better. After all of us are done with our hug fest we see who has classes together Caroline, Calum, Ashton and I have have first and second period together. Evan and Luke and I have third. Kayla Michael Caroline and I have  fourth and sixth together all of us have lunch together and I have last period with all of them. First period we had language arts it wasn't the worst subject but it wasn't my favorite all 4 of us walked in and th teacher told us to sit where we wanted she seemed pretty cool "hey guys my name is Mrs.grey I will be you language arts teacher this school year and these will be your permanent seats class will begin shortly after everyone arrives if you have any questions you may raise your hand" I'm so glad that I sat next to Ashton and behind him was Calum and behind me was Caroline because without didn't want to be stuck with some random person. So while we were in there we started talking about our summer the boys said that they had went on your with one direction and they had written some new music for their band that they were in it was called 5 seconds of summer and their fan base was getting bigger I was so proud of the boys for going on tour with one direction and getting where they are now. " well my summer was pretty fun Natalie and I hung out and we even went to Seattle for a week it was so much fun" Caroline said her and Calum were talking fan girling about how the boys went on tour with one direction. Ashton's and were taking about getting the group together after school and going to Julia's it's an amazing pizza place here in Sydney. We started talking about drakes song hotline bling and we started trying to dance like him and we made each other laugh so hard then he started telling me about how on tour Mikey always ate the last slice of pizza and that he would always try to hide the box but Mikey would just end up hiding it we were in the middle of laughing when Vanessa walked in and walked straight to Ashton "he Ashton" she said deductively I just rolled my eyes knowing that she was hitting on Ashton "um hey. So Nat guess wha-" he said before Ashton could contain with what he was going to say to me "so I was wondering if you would like to go on a Date with me tomorrow night" she asked smirking bending in front of him and basically making her boobs pop out.
"No Vanessa I don't like you like that now please leave " he said "well you know where to find me babe" she said leaving "ugh I hate when she does that she's asked me out like 5 times now" Ashton said "why don't you want to go out with her" I asked " she a slut who only uses guys for money and sex" he said
After fourth period ended we headed to lunch there I met the rest of the group and I sat next to Ashton and Caroline. Calum and Caroline seem to be hanging out a lot I already know that Calum likes Caroline but I'm not sure if she likes him. But I have a feeling she will end up liking him. Kayla and Michael were in the lunch line getting their food. Luke and Evan were eating their food and playing thumb war. Ashton and j were just talking about how our day was, Ashton and I hit it off since 8th grade and wee still really good friends I feel so comfortable with Ashton like I can tell him anything.
After school we all headed to Julia's pizza place it was our place and we always had fun there we all personally knew Julia she was a nice older woman who liked us very much. We ordered a pepperoni pizza and a cheese pizza. We all started talking and making jokes after we were done we payed and left.
We all went our separate ways but Ashton walked me home "they sky is so pretty this time of day" I said "yeah it is I love fall" he said after that there was some awkward silence as we approached my house I got nervous Turned around and looked back at him " thanks for walking me home I appreciate it are you sure you don't need a ride home?" I asked "no I'll be fine Nat you know I live near by" he pulled me in for a hug and he kissed my forehead "bye Nat" he said with a smile then he waved and walked back to his house.
I was kind of shocked because he kissed my forhead he has never done that before. But I was kind of confused because I felt nervous And I didn't know why but I liked that he kissed my forhead. Do I like him more than just a friend?

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