Chapter Seventeen

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As promised, an update on Friday. Apologies in advance for this chapter but it had to happen D: 

Enjoy, my lovelies :)



"If I ever find out that you're a fairy I will whip your arse and disown you." My father said coldly before slamming the door shut loudly. I flinched backwards, feeling sick. I shivered at the sudden cold in my room, feeling like all the warmth in the house had been leached back out with his return. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms before sitting back down on my bed.

A small whimper sounded from my cupboard and I winced at the sound, knowing I couldn't let Lucky out until he was gone, not if I wanted to keep him. Maybe I should give Lucky to Jesse. Jesse could look after him better than I could. My lips twisted self-deprecatingly. All I ever seem to do is hurt people. My mom, Miles, Jesse...

Jesse. I lifted a hand and wistfully traced my lips, before sighing and dropping my hand. Yeah, that needs to stop. I was stupid for letting myself think anything could happen. If my father found out, I'd be disowned. It's not like I have anywhere else to go. I needed him at least until I was away at college, or able to support myself with a job. Maybe Jesse would wait... no. He deserves better anyway.

Besides, I liked girls before. I probably still do. Jesse was just... an experiment. Yeah. We'll go with that. I blinked away the sudden onslaught of tears that pricked my eyes. I could just imagine if father came in and caught me crying. He couldn't deal with that when I was a kid, let alone now. This is for the best.

I jump when the front door unexpectedly slams shut before breathing out a sigh of relief when I hear my fathers' car pull out of the driveway. Standing up I walk to the closet and let Lucky out before sitting down on the floor and pulling him into a cuddle. I need to find him a home before father gets back. Maybe Jesse will take him. Jesse is good with animals. I need to go over there and tell him that the kiss was a mistake anyway. I'm not gay. I'm not. I can't be.

I look down at my shaking hands and take a deep breath. I can do this. I like girls. Girls are great. Boobs are great. I swallow past the lump in my throat, feeling sick. I take in a shuddery breath and hug Lucky tighter, making his tail wag. Regardless of how I feel about Jesse, I don't think I could stand it if my father hated me more than what he already does. Better to end it before either of us got too attached. Well, too late for me. Jesse probably doesn't like me that much anyway though. Not yet. I can end this without hurting him too much. Jesse deserves better anyway.

I take a deep breath and stand up, still holding Lucky in my arms. I'm almost downstairs before the doorbell rings and I freeze mid-step, terrified that father was back and would see Lucky before I shake my head and calm myself down. He's got a key. He wouldn't ring the doorbell.

I yank open the front door, ready to tell whoever is there to get lost before paling. Jesse grinned at me, and Miles stood behind him, clutching something and looking extremely uncomfortable. I sighed, knowing that this was not going to end well. My mood lifted slightly though as a cat darted inside through Jesse's legs and I breathed out a sigh of relief that Buddy wasn't hurt.

"Hi Todd. We heard what happened so we baked you a cake. Well, Miles baked you a cake. I watched." Jesse said happily and Miles winced behind him, looking even more uncomfortable. I felt a smile pushing its way onto my face and I forced it down.

"Thanks." I replied stiffly. An awkward silence fell between the three of us before I stepped aside and let them in, leading the way to the kitchen. Miles stepped forward and placed the cake on the counter, before stepping back away from everyone and standing uncomfortably by the door.

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