Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys. Me again. Sorry about all the Authors Notes.... D: :D

So, I'm aware that some of you (maybe all, who knows?) are having trouble keeping up with the amount of characters. I'm sorry. I forget that I, as the author, have more info and backstory etc. that helps me understand who everyone is to everyone else (It also probably helps that these characters are my creations. If I didn't know who they were there might be a slight problem) and that none of my readers have that information. <-- That didn't really make sense but you get what I mean? No? Yes? Okay. 

Anyway, I was wondering whether it would benefit and help people if I did like, a mini diagram thingo, that people can refer back to in regards to who characters are. Thoughts? Like a mini legend I guess, but with character names and a brief description (appearance and backstory of who they are when we get to know them)? Like how they do a brief character description in video games when you can choose your character? Know what I mean? If so, where would people prefer it? In a new authors note? Updated into the very first Authors Note? As a new work? As it's own chapter next chapter? Etc. 

I will most definitely keep it in mind and try not to add so many new characters at once in any new works I do, however, it's a bit late to back out now for this particular book. I'm only human, I make mistakes sometimes too. :/

Otherwise, don't worry too much if you're losing track of characters right now. This is going to be a series, and the main characters in this particular book are Todd and Jesse. As long as you have a vague idea of who characters are for the next book in line (I will remind everyone in the first few chapters) you should follow fine. In this particular book, everyone besides Jesse and Todd are just helping with plot progress / ensuring that the next book/pairing flows smoothly. 

Sorry, again. D: 

Thanks for sticking with me despite this though! :D <3



I glared out my window, rolling my eyes as Todd drunkenly tried to pour himself another drink of whatever alcoholic beverage he decided on this time. He was holed up in his room, and had a plastic cup balanced on his desk chair while he painstakingly struggled to tip the alcohol into it. He wouldn't tip it enough, and when nothing came out he'd tilt his head over the bottle and peek down the neck as though to check that the fluid was still in it. The bottle was glass. He could see what was in it just fine. Honestly, if I wasn't so angry I'd probably find it cute.

I sighed again as, apparently satisfied that there was enough alcohol, he tipped the bottle too fast and drowned the cup – and his chair – in fluid. I rolled my eyes again as he picked up the cup, drained it in one long gulp, and then placed it under the chair to catch the drips. Gross. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure that was the last of it. Although I was pretty sure he was only incredibly tipsy and not actually drunk, I cracked open my window so I'd be able to hear if anything went wrong before closing my curtains, unable to watch any more. I turned to the alarm clock, which read 10:46pm. I sighed, flopping backwards on my bed and tiredly closing my eyes.

The sound of a door being slammed startled me out of my drowsy state, and rubbing my eyes I glanced at the clock to see that it was 1:23am. I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes again only to have them snapped open again at the sound of knocking on the front door. I sat up and quickly headed downstairs, hoping to stop the knocking before it woke up either Emily or mom.

A few more knocks sounded as I entered the hallway, and I took a quick second to glance through the peephole on the front door before opening it. I sighed in irritation as a tipsy Todd swayed in front of me. Reaching down, I unlocked the door and yanked it open before reaching out and pulling Todd into the house.

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