Chapter Eighteen

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The blanket was yanked off the top of me and I winced at the sudden brightness burning my eyes. I looked up blearily, only to come face to face with a scowling Miles.

"Really, Jesse? It's been a week. Get off your arse, we're going out tonight." Miles said, snapping his fingers at me before turning around and yanking open my closet doors. I sat up, rubbing my eyes before grabbing the corner of the blanket he's pulled off me and flopping back down.

"Don't wanna." I mumbled, closing my eyes again. The blanket was ripped back off me and I slowly sat up again, glaring at Miles. He shrugged at me before pulling the blanket completely off my bed and throwing it out into the hallway.

"Get up and get it." He challenged and I scowled at him, refusing to move. A few seconds passed before I sighed and shook my head, laying back down for the second time as Miles shrugged at me.

"Can't want it that bad then." Miles muttered, turning around and rifling through my closet again. I glared up at the ceiling before flinching when Miles through something over his head at me and it landed on my face. Holding it up, I looked at it before turning to Miles in confusion.

"Where are we going that I need to wear a nice shirt for?" I asked, confused.

"We are going on a double date," Miles said before pausing, "Well, you're going on a date, and Jaydn and I are tagging along." I scowled at him.

"I don't want to go on a date though." I mumbled. Miles shrugged and grinned at me.

"Well that sucks for you, doesn't it?" He said cheekily before rummaging through my set of drawers. Jaydn popped his head in the room and looked at us.

"Is it safe to come in?" Jaydn asked. Miles looked at him drolly.

"No. We're naked and engaging in passionate buttsex." He said sarcastically.

"Oh." Jaydn looked thoughtful for a minute before shrugging and stepping into my room, "Mind if I watch?" He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"I worry about you two sometimes. Is Luka not coming?" I asked curiously. Jaydn shrugged, picking up the shirt that somehow ended up at the end of my bed and inspecting it.

"I asked him. He said he was feeling a bit out of it still and wanted to stay home." He mumbled. My eyebrows shot up.

"Wow. Luka wanting to stay home. That's different." I said. Jaydn just shrugged again, frowning at the shirt before turning to Miles.

"Are you sure purple is his colour? I think he should be in a nice green or something for his date." Jaydn said and Miles glanced at me, considering it

"It doesn't matter what colour the shirt is because I'm not going." I said grumpily. Jaydn and Miles looked at each before Jaydn shrugged casually.

"I guess you don't want to be in on the plan then." Jaydn said nonchalantly, studying his nails as he sat in my desk chair. That caught my attention.

"What plan?" I asked suspiciously.

"The make Todd jealous plan, obviously." Jaydn grinned. Miles snorted from inside my closet and I glanced between the two of them.

"Todd won't be jealous though. He's not interested. He said so himself." I said slowly.

"My sources say that Todd is definitely interested." Jaydn said mysteriously.

"Your... sources?" I asked, frowning. Miles shut the closet door, before walking over and dropping a pair of comfortable black jeans and a long sleeve button up shirt on my bed.

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