Chapter 4- Lily

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I can't believe I almost did that. That I did do it to Sam. It's good that I noticed Michael's fear when I did. I might have hit him in just the right place and killed him, and I'm afraid I did to Sam. Michael doesn't seem worried, and I suppose he's more experienced, being in the Insurrection all his life as he's told me. I'm still not quite sure what that is. Michael is bandaging up Sam now. I help him pull up Sam's body to the coffee table, and get him the lamp so he can see the wound better. The apartment is dark, for security reasons, Michael says. The lamp surprisingly still works. I look at the gash and cringe. Sam's dark hair is matted with just by his ear, covering the top and back with a crimson stain . Michael is doing his best to seem calm, but I can tell from the tense line his lips make that he's concerned as well. There is a lot of blood. "There's a med box in the top left counter in the kitchen," he says. His voice sounds strained, almost like it did earlier. I give him a worried glance before I leave, and as soon as I do, he puts his head in his hands. Sam is in danger. My mind races with thoughts and regrets. What if Sam doesn't recover?? It will be all my fault. And Michael.... Sam was- no IS Michael's only remaining family. I don't know how his parents died , or if he has any other remaining relatives, but when I asked where his parents were his eyes, those dark, dark eyes, became unbelievably sad. He only said that they died a long time ago, that it wasn't relevant. But it obviously was. I have a feeling Michael's parents play a huge part in this. "Lily? Are you in there?" Michael calls.Oh, I've been so deep in thought I totally forgot what I was doing. "Coming!" I grab the med box with some difficulty (hey, I'm short!) and go back into the living room . Michael has taken Sam's glasses off, and is sitting by the coffee table, knees pulled up to his chest. He doesn't look childish, however, just worried about his brother. He's biting down on his lips, eyes full of concern. He really does have beautiful eyes. So dark, with gold flecks in them, and even though they're so dark, they almost seem to radiate light. He- I'm getting distracted. I walk over to the table and sit beside him. I hand him the med box, and he gets to work. He applies the gauze, and starts bandaging him up. His fingers are tender and exact, and soon he has Sam wrapped up perfectly. "There." he says, his voice much more relaxed. "Now we wait." He looks at me , and I try to look pleased, but I fail terribly and just end up looking guilty. "Hey, it's okay. You were scared. Anyone would have done that in your position, and he's going to be okay." His voice just sounds so reassuring and forgiving, it makes me want to cry more. I just met him about 2 hours ago, and he's already showing me such kindness. My eyes well up. "I- I just- I'm so sorry! I hurt him really badly, and I almost did the same to you! And you looked so worried-" I'm cut off as he hugs me , patting my back. It's a friendly hug , but my heart pounds at his touch. He pulls away, and starts to speak to me, a slight smile on his face. "Hey, we're brothers, we get worried about each other. You should see Sam when I get even a paper cut." We both laugh , mine sounding muffled from the tears. "It's okay," he says, " Sam's a tough guy. He's been through worse than a 15 year old hitting him with a lamp." Slightly reassured, we both relax against the edge of the couch , waiting by the lamp light, talking far into the night.

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