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Hoi! I'll make this quick

(Y/N)=Your name

(N/N)=Nickname<if you don't have one, maybe use like a cat call or something, whatever you like to be called that isn't the name you're already using for (Y/N)>


Your POV
Sweet lord, why is it so cold out here?! I had just left the ruins to explore the rest of the underground after saying goodbye to Toriel, aka Goat Mom. I can't help but feel a little guilty to leave her and honesty would have loved to stay with her, but I'm just so curious! This cold forest is making me think twice though. I'm (Y/N), though you can call me (N/N). That's what my friends call me. Well, that was till I fell down here. I was just climbing Mount Ebott out of curiosity to why those who climb it never return. Bad idea, I know, but I didn't see anything suspicious. Next thing I knew, though, I fell down a hole. It was a good thing I landed in a soft field of flowers, or else god knows what would have happened. I dont exactly know how flowers can grow down here, but it saved my life, so who cares? I then saw a peculiar flower, talking, with eyes, a mouth and such. It seemed friendly at first, but then it attacked me. As it was about to murder me, this nice goat lady Toriel saved me and brought me to her house at the outskirts of the ruins. After a nice nap and some pie to recover from the trauma of almost dying, she explained everything about the underworld to me. I stayed with her for a day or two before I asked about how to get back to the surface. She was hesitant at first, but eventually understood I would enivitably figure out how to escape for myself. She explained that I would need to go outside of the ruins and through the rest of the underground to face Asgore. "With any luck", she added,"you won't need to fight. Stay safe my child. Once you leave, don't come back here, understand?" "Yes ma'am" "Good. Godspeed my child. Stay safe" Toriel said, giving me one last hug. I was halfway through turning around and walking forward when she spoke up one last time, "And please, call me mom" then closing the door. Well, no going back now...


'Good god it's cold. Ugh, why did I decide to leave again?!' I ponder once more. It's snowing out here, and I sure as hell don't have a jacket. I reach a wooden bridge, only to hear unfamiliar tracks.

...Who's following me? Hopefully not that fucking flower again. I walk forward, hoping if I were to ignore them I could avoid confrontation.

"Hey. That's not a way to greet a new friend. Turn around and shake my hand." said a deep voice.

Slowly, I turn around, reluctant to shake this stranger's hand, the blue hood of their jacket covering their face. Do we really have to do this now? I'm so fucking cold. Cautiously, but firmly, I grasp their hand. Suddenly....


"Haha! The good old whoopy cusion in the hand trick! Works everytime!" the figure cried out, laughing.
"*Ahem* I should introduce myself. I'm Sans." he greets, holding out a hand. Seeing my reluctance, he puts down the hood of the jacket, revealing a skull that's smiling back at me. He assures me "This time, Im serious. Look". I glance at his palms to see boney fingers, but nothing else. I shrug and shake his hand, not like there's anything else I can do. "Nice to meet you Sans, I'm (Y/N)". I take a good look at Sans; after all, it's not everyday you see a walking, talking, skeleton. I immediately notice the big smile plastered on his face, and little glowing dots in the sockets to represent pupils.

"Say, you alright there (Y/N)? You look chilled to the bone". I chuckle, notably a sucker for bad puns, and he smiles wider. He offers to take me to town, and I oblige. He first, though, takes off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulder.
"Oh, y-you don't need to do that"
"I insist"
"Look, I won't take no for an answer, okay? I'm a skeleton, I'll be fine"
"*sighs* very well, if you say so..."
"I do say so. You're about to turn into a human popsicle"
I finally give in, taking the jacket off my shoulders to out it on properly. It's surprisingly very warm, for a jacket.

"T-thanks Sans..."
"Don't mention it, (N/N)"
"How did you-"
"I have my ways..." he winks, "Now come on. I know a shortcut to town. We're going to my house."
"O-okay" He wraps an arm around my  neck, pulling me closer, and we head towards town. Normally, I would pull away immediately, but fuck it, I'm freezing out here, I'll take the surprising warmth Sans has.

*le time skip to town, brought to you by tem shop*

After a strange "shortcut" that seemed like it was going anywhere but towards town, we arrive at it's heart. It's a comfy looking place, with friendly looking folks. "Here, we're almost to my house". Sans grabs my hand and leads me to a house just outside of the heart out town. There stand two mail boxes, one full of seemingly junk mail and the other, empty.

"After you, m'lady" Sans says, holding the door open and tipping his invisible fedora. I smile appreciatevely and step in, feeling oddly calm.

"(MTV cribs,) welcome to my humble aboad, (N/N)". Sans takes a seat on the couch and pats the spot beside him. I nod and after taking off my shoes(hey now, don't want to stain the carpet with snow, do ya?), sit beside Sans, him wearing a slightly smug look on his face. I give him a little 'what?' look back but he just chuckles, "Nooooothing". I shrug and he turns on the TV. He also throws a throw blanket at me that was laying on the other side of the couch (wow, go figure). We don't really pay attention to the show that's on though, we instead spend the next 15 min or so talking.

"Anyways, my brother should be home soon, so we just gotta chill and wait for him to-"

He was quickly interrupted by a taller, slimmer skeleton wearing a cape. He turned to us, and Sans seemed somewhat nervous.

"Well speak of the devil" Sans said, chuckling nervously.

"Sans..." replied the tall one with a serious tone.

Aaaaaand that's it for part one! Thank you for reading this fanfic, I appreciate that someone is still here with me..hehe.. But that's a story for later.

Boi! \(^u^)/

Yes, what temmi said. Bye! :3

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