Chapter 3: Again

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"C'mon. Let's go inside," Jack says.

I nod and wrap the blanket around myself. He holds me tight and we fly back through the window. My face is expressionless and I walk over to my bed once we get inside and flop onto it. Jack sighs and exits the room as I curl into a ball. I don't want to go through this again. We've done this before and I could do nothing. Everybody else was worrying about me and many people got hurt. Mom died and then she tried to kill me and I am so over this. I just want to disappear. I want everything else to go back to the way it was. Then I could visit Mom again and Jack and I could finally plan out our wedding. Danielle could be the flower girl, and Tooth would be the maid of honor. I would have on the most beautiful ballgown. Oh my gosh, it would be gorgeous. It would go to the floor and it would be a mermaid dress. Ooh! Or a princess ballgown. I could be a princess for a night. But none of this will happen. Not for a long time.

Jack comes back in with a few extra blankets and lays down beside me. "(Y/n), talk to me. You're scaring me."

I rollover to face him and bury my head in his chest. His arms wrap around me and he rolls sightly over so that I'm directly on top of him. "I don't want to do this again! So many people got hurt last time, and this is all nothing but bad news. I'm worried. I'm worried for you, for Danielle, for the Guardians, for Manny, for Lucifer, and for us. I'm worried that one of us will be ripped from the other. Jack, what are we going to do?"

"We'll have to do what we did last time. Plus, this time, you have powers. I promise we will fight them off. Nobody will die."

"But can you promise no one will get hurt?"

"...No. I can't promise that. But I can promise that we will stick together. No matter what."

I hold out my hand and stick out my pinky. "Pinky?"

He smiles and promises, "Pinky."

"Okay. We should probably get to bed."

"Agreed. We'll tell everyone else tomorrow."

Somehow, I was comforted enough by Jack's soothing words to drift off into a wondrous dreamland.


The next morning, I wake up and find that Jack is still asleep next to me. I smile a little at his tiny snores. Then, his eyebrows furrow. He starts to shake a little. He is mumbling things under his breath that I don't quite understand. Immediately, I know he is having a nightmare. I shake his shoulders a little. Nothing happens. "Jack?"

Nothing. "Jack!" I yelled and shook his shoulders a bit more roughly.

He shoots up and immediately panics, panting heavily. I lightly touch his arm and his eyes find mine. "Hey, it's okay," I whisper as I wrap him into a hug. I sit in his lap, facing him, and have my arms tightly wound around his neck. His arms quickly find my back. "Everything is okay. It was just a dream. Nobody is hurt. I'm right here," I whisper.

His panting starts to die down, and he relaxes into me. I kiss his cheek and stay there until he pulls back without moving his arms. "Do you want to talk about it?" I question.

"God, no. I just... Let's go make some breakfast, huh?" He fakes a smile.

I look at him worriedly before taking his hand and nodding. We stand up and walk right on down to the kitchen. "Good morning!" North booms. "Did you get a good night's sleep?"

"We had a great sleep, thank you, North," I smile.

"Of course. Would you like some pancakes?"

"Yes please! Would you, Jack?"

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