Please Read - Everyone Says It But I Mean It

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Okay, everyone. So, it is creeping up to Christmas time/ the holiday season and I, personally, am excited. However, I know that there are some of you out there who hate Christmas time and feel depressed, anxious, and/or suicidal. Please message me if you feel this way. I know it might not seem like a good idea, and I know everyone is telling you to talk to them, but it really will help. If you really want to, comment about your problems. Even if you feel like your being a burden, comment more than you think you should or message me an essay. If it's any comfort, I understand what you're going through. I have been there too. I liked to write about my feelings in a journal. If that's what you want to do, do it. Pour your thoughts onto paper or phones or iPads or words or whatever you feel like is going to make you feel better. If I could be there with you in the same room, I'd give you a BIIIG hug. If you really do not want to talk about it with me or anyone else, just know that you are worthy, and I appreciate you. You are worthy of life, of happiness, and of love. I support you even if everyone else doubts you. I don't care about your age, your race, your gender, or your sexuality. I adore you for who you are and wish you happy holidays. If you can't tell, I'm giving you 1,000 imaginary hugs right now. 😊

P.S. If you don't feel comfortable talking to me, but still want to talk to someone a bit more experienced with this kind of thing, I was told about a Wattpader named @TeaAndSympathy . They are very good with this kind of thing, and I hope you talk to one of us about it!

Frostbite II (Jack Frost X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now